74 | Meme & Paw

109 64 2

April 29th, 2022


"Probably should've told you earlier" Aubrey said as I had literally just woken up, "but my grandparents are on their way from Croatia. They'll be here by tomorrow morning."

I sat straight up, "huh?"

"What?" Aubrey asked, as she dusted and wiped around. "They're nice people, you'll love them."

I made a face, "do I have to be here for all of that?" I wondered aloud, and Aubrey looked at me with an "are you fucking kidding me?" type of look.

"Why wouldn't you wanna be here?" Aubrey asked, "are you scared of being surrounded by white people or something?"

I rolled my eyes, "be rational" I said, "I'm not scared of shit, I'm just gonna feel odd."

Aubrey raised an eyebrow, "because you're not white, correct?" she questioned, and I shrugged.

"Well, I was thinking more so because your grandparents are gonna wanna know what brought me here and what my relationship is to you" I said, "but yeah, me being the only non-white person also is a fear factor. Thanks for that one Aubz."

"You're a friend and you and your mom don't see eye to eye" Aubrey said, "there."

I shook my head, "I'm just not gonna show up for the next few days" I said in defeat, "or however long they're staying for." Aubrey scoffed.

"They could be staying for the whole summer" she said, folding her arms. "Where are you gonna stay? At Hailey's house? Third wheeling her and her man while they recreate their janitor closet romance?"

I scrunched my face up, "first of all ew" I replied, "and second, I'll just stay in the attic."

"Nova" Aubrey said taking a deep breath, "I really want you to meet my grandparents. I already told them about you."

My stomach dropped at Aubrey's mention of telling her grandmother and grandfather about me. "Okay" I said in a soft spoken tone, "fine. I'll meet them." Aubrey got overly excited and stopped what she was doing to jump on me.

"Yay!" She cheered as she managed to position herself in a way that she was sitting on top of me. She placed a kiss on the side of my face, but I gently grabbed her face and we began exchanging saliva in a slow, sloppy manner.

"Aubrey!" an old lady voice with an accent said as the door swung open. "Oh my!"

"Shit" I whispered as Aubrey got off of me.

"Meme, you said you and Paw were coming tomorrow" Aubrey voiced. It was kind of evident that she was freaking out. I felt bad for her.

"Early flight" Aubrey's Meme said, "who is this young lady? Your girlfriend I suppose?"

I looked at Aubrey for an answer, because I was genuinely stuck and didn't wanna say or do the wrong thing. "Yeah" Aubrey finally murmured, causing me to literally scream on the inside.

"And your name dear?" Aubrey's Meme asked me.

"Nova" I said with a smile, standing up. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Aubrey has talked about you plenty." I was lying out my ass, but I was trying to save face for a clearly embarrassed Aubrey right now. Someone had to do it.

"Same to you" Aubrey's grandma said, "Aubrey has been talking about a Nova for months." I looked at Aubrey in somewhat shock, though I tried not to show it. Aubrey's face was now practically a hot cheeto red, which I found cute.

"I'll be downstairs" Aubrey's grandmother said, "I have a lot to unpack. Paw should be up soon Bebe, so maybe keep your lips to yourself for a second." I giggled as Aubrey's grandma disappeared from the doorway. I looked back at Aubrey who wouldn't break eye contact with the floor.

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