21 | "Does Insulting Me Turn You On?"

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I told Nova that I needed to run some errands for my grandmother during lunch, so I couldn't eat with her today. I actually found it pretty odd that she asked me to hang with her today, seeing as she hadn't in the last several days before this.

Maddie told me that she had something serious to tell me regarding Nova and requested that we talk about it at lunch, but I couldn't tell Nova that, of course. Something in my heart didn't have a good feeling about whatever Maddie had to tell me, especially seeing that Nova all of a sudden wanted to go out somewhere for lunch today. It made me think that Nova was planning on breaking up with me.

"So what's up?" I asked as soon as Maddie opened my passenger door. I didn't even give her time to sit down, I was anxious and couldn't stand whatever it was that I was feeling.

"Is she breaking up with me?" I followed up, not even a full ten seconds after I asked my first question.

Maddie shook her head, "no," she confirmed, "but you might break up with her after I tell you this."

I took a deep breath and leaned my seat back a little bit. "Spill" I practically mumbled. I tried to keep my mind from wandering and imagining what was about to be said, but I couldn't help it.

"I watched Aubrey and Nova kiss today" Maddie let it out, after what felt like an eternity of waiting. Immediately, I sat straight up. "What?!"

I could feel my chest clenching, trying my best to not yell at Maddie, as it obviously wasn't her fault. "Why didn't you stop them?" I questioned her in a rash tone. "Better yet, why the hell were they kissing?"

"Aubrey went to kiss her, Nova seemed unsure and even mentioned not wanting you to leave her, but she ultimately gave in once Aubrey actually did touch lips with her" Maddie confided, "and I didn't stop them because they didn't know I was there. I was stalking, they had only been talking at first. I wanted to see what Nova was going to do because she seemed headstrong on being loyal."

"Do you have any proof?" I irrationally pushed, to which Maddie shook her head. "I don't" she admitted, "I didn't think of recording voices or even taking a regular video until it was too late."

I believed Maddie, given that this wasn't Nova's first rodeo. I knew that if I asked anything else, Maddie would probably assume that I didn't trust or believe her. My curiosity, mixed with my current inability to think, allowed Maddie to ramble on about the situation for the rest of lunch period. She gave me suggestions, talked some shit, and made some educated assumptions—I guess. I considered asking Nova straight up, but there's a chance she'll just lie.

As Maddie and I walked back into the building, she turned the other way and walked in the opposite direction, as that's where her class was. Now alone, stuck with my thoughts, my nerves were pricking so bad that it hurt. Before knowing Nova, I had never known that I was capable of such anger.

To add to my now shitty day, Aubrey turned the corner, nearly bumping into me. She looked ridiculously miserable, it was clear that she didn't want to be bothered right now. But oh well, I didn't want my girlfriend cheating on me. I guess we both want something that we can't have. "Did you and Nova kiss again?" I confronted Aubrey.

Aubrey, whose back had been turned toward me, given she was walking by, stopped in her tracks before turning back to face me. "And" she dragged the word, speaking in an incredibly low tone, "who told you that?" I folded my arms, "it doesn't matter who told me," I insisted, "I'm asking you a question." Aubrey rolled her eyes, letting out a small sigh.

"Nick," Aubrey said, with a small forced chuckle behind my name as she put both hands in the back pockets of her jeans, "what's your problem?" I scrunched up my face at Aubrey's question, thinking of a suitable response. "Why do you think your girlfriend is some kind of lesbian freak?" Aubrey continued before I could reply, "and of all people, why do you think that I'm the one she's being gay with?" I cocked an eyebrow, trying my best to maintain my temper. I was fuming on the inside, but I had to remember that Aubrey is a woman.

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