55 | First Lesson

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My mom and I didn't speak at all through out the car ride to the catholic place that we were going to. I was used to my mom's hostile demeanor, as it's been that way since my dad had left her. I just hated that I was the one that got the bitter end of the stick. I was the one that had to deal with her now crazy temper.

When we got there, my mom guided me by the shoulders and had us sit in the front row. I was kind of embarrassed and wholeheartedly believed that my mom was gonna blurt out my little secret to the whole church at the most random time.

It wasn't as bad as I thought though, because turns out, she had enough sense to not do that shit. However "confession" came really fast, and the next thing I know, I was standing in front of a priest pope guy, being asked about my biggest sinful behavior to date. I became jittery in seconds.

"I lied to my aunt about what happened to her wedding ring" I said, which wasn't exactly a lie. "I told her that her dog ate it, but in reality I had pawned it." That part was a lie, because all that had really happened was I dropped the ring in the toilet and was too grossed out to get it out, so I flushed it away. My mom tugged my shirt, yanking me back into reality. I groaned.

"Tell him what you did" she gritted through her teeth, "or I will." I bit my lip as the priest looked at me with wandering eyes. "I made out with a girl" I said in one quick breath, hoping the priest didn't catch it. "Oh my!" he said, "that's, unexpected." I nodded as I fixed my black off the shoulder shirt that my mom had yanked at, "I know right" I said sarcastically.

"You have to be nice to everybody you encounter for a week" the priest said, catching me by surprise." I raised an eyebrow, "huh?" I asked, but my mom nudged me really hard. "It's called a penance" the priest said, "it's basically a way of making up for your sin." I nodded, and I swear I don't know what over came me, but I said something that I probably shouldn't have.

"So how come me kissing a girl is a sin, but priests and preachers alike touching little boys aren't?" My mom yanked me by the ear in a heart beat, and lead me outside. I didn't bother screaming or causing a scene because I was literally eighteen so that would be weird, but I was low-key shitting bricks.

"You think you're funny?" my mom asked, and I shook my head. "I don't think I am" I said, "I know I am." My mom reached for me but I dodged her, "you're gonna beat me in front of all these people Nalani?" I asked, prompting even more anger. "Do not call me by my first name" my mom hissed, "I am your mother!"

My bravery was just from the simple fact that my mom and I were in public, but I knew that I had to either call someone to pick me up, or walk to Aubrey's house, or else I'd more than likely be getting my ass beat once my mom and I were alone.

I don't even really know what happened between "I am your mother" and now, but I was running away from the church like my life depended on it. Once I felt that I was in a secluded area, I texted Aubrey to come get me, and gave her my exact location.

"Stay around there so I won't struggle to find you but if your mom is coming, go to a nearby restaurant or something" Aubrey suggested through text, and I hearted her message. There was no way I could continue to live like this. I mean, graduation was like four months away, but even then I haven't really actually figured out what I was gonna do in the months after. I've barely thought about college.


"How did I do?" I asked Aubrey as she readjusted herself in the passenger seat. We were at an open lot where she had allowed me to drive her car around. There wasn't much to do and I had a pretty shit morning with my mother and all, so she figured that we might as well start driving today.

"I mean you know more than I had imagined you did, and on top of that you didn't kill me, so I'd say today was a success" Aubrey said, putting her hand on my knee so that she could reach over and grab something from the drivers side.

"Why is your hand so hot?" I asked, as I poked at Aubrey's hand that was resting on my knee. I had been wearing ripped jeans and just so happened to have a rip covering my knee area, so I felt her hand entirely.

"Why are you so hot?" Aubrey shot back as she looked up at me and we made eye contact. "You're not gonna say that's a joke?" I asked, and Aubrey shook her head, still looking at me as she did so. "Why would I?" she asked, "I'm not joking."

I breathed heavily and awkwardly. "Okay" I barely let out, "right. Not joking" Aubrey turned her head, "are you okay Nova?" she asked, and I froze before just awkwardly laughing once more. I had gotten used to Aubrey's flirting over the phone, but in person still typically caught me off guard. And you know what else? Her blonde hair was no help either.

"I just, panic sometimes" I said honestly. "Like, a 'did she really just say that to me?' type of thing." Aubrey took her hand off me, "am I making you uncomfortable?" she asked, and I shook my head. "No!" I said, "I don't panic in a gross 'what do I say' type of way, I panic in a 'bi panic' type of way."

Aubrey's mouth opened but she didn't say anything. She looked down at me, seeming to be examining my v neck shirt that exposed my cleavage a little, even though I barely even had boobs. "I'll give you something to panic about" she whispered as she leaned a lot closer to me and slowly stuck her tongue into my mouth.

I allowed entrance, but at the rate that Aubrey's tongue was moving, It seemed that it was just gonna force it's way into my mouth anyways. It was almost as if Aubrey and I's tongues were having sex in themselves. They roamed on another, and I could feel so much, down to the tiny little tastebuds.

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