54 | "A Lifetime of Memories"

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"Why haven't you been in school these last few days?" I asked a very weary looking Nova as she, Jason and I sat in our second period class. I could tell something was going on, so I hoped that my mouth didn't fight with my heart and give her a hard time.

"Family issues" she said, and I nodded, although I wasn't sure if I believed her. It just so happened that Aubrey was also absent, which made sense cause she was suspended, but Nova should have been here.

"Well, the Norwood newsletter got abolished, so that's a plus" I said, and Nova have me a faint, yet confident smile. "That was much needed" she said, "those bitches were getting out of hand. I'm surprised nobody beat their asses yet."

"They picked and chose their battles" I said, and Jason nodded. "Yeah" he said, "there was some people they knew not to write about, because they'd be getting the ass beating of a lifetime. They wrote about you the most Nova because you're nice."

"Thank you Jason" Nova said, "that was very sweet."


"I think Nova and Aubrey have been hooking up these past few days, I said to Jason as he and I sat together in third period, prompting a look from him. "Dude" Jason said, "she literally told us why she was gone. She looks like she's been through a war and back, I believe her." I rolled my eyes, "I guess."

"You need to get that Aubrey shit out of your head" Jason said in a serious tone. "Yes, maybe you're right at times, but you're definitely not right all the time, and that accusation mindset will be the death of Nickova." I snorted, "the hell is Nickova?"

"Nick and Nova" Jason said, "catch on dude." I chuckled, "my fault, "Nick and Nova, got it."


Nova would think I was weird if she knew that I was sniffing her underwear while she was at school. No, I was not sick in the head, it just so happened that Nova's underwear smelled exactly like she does.

I continued to neatly go through Nova's stuff, from her notebooks to her purses, but didn't find much. "Wow Nova, you're as boring as it gets" I said aloud.

My mom came into the room and made a face, "Aubrey you can't look at other people's belongings" she said, "it doesn't matter how close you two are." I shrugged, "just grazing through, I'm not taking anything." My mom didn't seem to care that much, because she quickly changed the subject.

"Nova's mom contacted the school, who then contacted me. I guess they know that Nova's here, but since she's 18, they're not doing anything." I nodded, "so what, they want Nova to go back to her mom?" and my mom made the "kinda" sign with her hand. "I mean anybody who doesn't fully understand the situation would want her to go back home" my mom said, "but her mom just wants to have her on Sunday. She said they're going to mass."

"Mass?" I asked, "like Massachusetts?" My mom laughed, "no" she said, "mass is like a Catholic Church service basically." I felt real dumb, but I played it off, "oh that mass!" I said, "my bad."

I quickly made a face, "in all the time that I've known Nova, she has literally never mentioned going to a mass. What if her mom is making her because of what happened?" My mom sighed then rubbed my back, "then that's her mom" she said. "Nova is old enough to make her own choices, but we don't know the dynamics of her relationship with her mother, and she seems like a really respectful kid. So I doubt she'll say no to going to that mass."

"I just hope she's okay," I mumbled as I looked down at Nova's composition notebook, which I had been holding. My mom smiled, "you really like this girl don't you?" I rocked my head from side to side for a second. "I care about her," I admitted, "she's my friend." My mom didn't look like she believed that, but she didn't argue it either. "Okay" she said softly, "I respect that my love."


"Your mom is crazy!" Hailey said as she and I waited on the steps for Aubrey to show up. Thankfully she agreed to take Hailey home as well, which I really appreciated because I didn't want Hailey to feel abandoned. She was still my best friend in my eyes.

"I know" I said, as a rubbed my temple. "I was so scared, I damn near almost peed. She was so close to skinning my foot alive with that fucking belt." Hailey put her arm around me, "well if that's how your mom is gonna be, then you don't need her. You have Aubrey and I, and sometimes Nick and Jason. High school is almost over and you're legal, so shes practically a thing of the past already."

"True" I said as Hailey and I stood up to greet Aubrey's car. She came at just the right time because I truthfully didn't really know how to respond.

"Hey besties!" Aubrey said jokingly, "hop in." I looked at Hailey, "wanna sit in the front?" I asked, and she shook her head. "Nah girl" she said, "go sit with your boo thang." I snickered.


"I have nothing to do most of the time, so I can give you driving lessons" Aubrey said as I kind of just ranted on about life, not even fully knowing what the fuck I was saying. Hailey was playing with a camera that Aubrey had, it was a Polaroid camera that was practically untouched.

"If you want that, you can have it" Aubrey said, watching Hailey. "I have like two other ones that I also don't use anyways." Hailey smiled and snapped a picture of Aubrey and I, who were sitting in the center of her room on the floor together.

"Say cheese!"

Aubrey looked at me for a moment, and I quickly started posing for Hailey's pictures. I at some point placed a kiss on Aubrey's cheek, which made Aubrey come around and start posing as well. Finally.

"Wait, let's get some actual cute candids" Hailey said, as she got off Aubrey's bed. "Stand up, like in front of a wall or something." Aubrey nodded and pulled me up. "Now pose!" Hailey said, as Aubrey and I stood in front of a blank wall.

"I don't know what pose to do!" I said, and Aubrey nodded, "you need to direct us photographer lady."

Hailey laughed, "kiss" she said, and I was a little reluctant but Aubrey thankfully took the lead. "Great" she said while looking at me, "now smile. Aubrey's arm around you or Vice versa. It doesn't really matter." Aubrey and I once again did as was told. We continued to do random poses that Hailey suggested, from me holding Aubrey bridal style to Aubrey holding me on her back, until the camera was out of film.

"There you go" Hailey said, "a lifetime of memories in just one day." I smiled, and Aubrey did the same. "Thanks" Aubrey voiced, "you can keep the other two cameras." Hailey chuckled, "I was planning on it anyways" she replied, "but thanks."

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