69 | Food For Thought

108 64 1

March 31st, 2022


"So I'm fired?" I asked, as my guidance counselor and principle both looked at me with large, judging eyes. They both nodded, "the class President can't be a hit or miss with their attendance, and a trouble maker" my principle said. "You're supposed to set the example, but instead you're showing us what not to do half of the time."

"Okay" I said, getting up. I was trying to work on my anger management which I had decided was gonna be my new goal. I know that this'll only last a couple hours though. People just piss me the hell off.

"Okay?" my guidance counselor asked, "that's it?" I nodded, "yeah" I said, "that's it. You fired me, what am I supposed to do about it?" I grabbed my bag and tried my best to respectfully walk out. I didn't wanna be seen as some hot head.


I was already in a pretty shit mood because I was fired from class President, which was fair but it still pissed me off. Now I had to go to this stupid food program where I was probably gonna see really skinny starving people that are practically one foot in the grave. I shouldn't fucking be here.

"Hi" a slim, but healthy looking, Caucasian woman said, sticking out her hand. She wore a plain short sleeved blue shirt, black leggings, with brown and white moccasins. She wasn't ugly, but if I was a dude that saw her on the street, I wouldn't hit on her. But then again, I'm not some random dude walking down a street.

"Hi" I said, walking past the lady. I didn't bother shaking her hand because she would probably squeeze my hand too tight or have a cold hand, both of which would piss me the fuck off and make my little emotional fit that I've been throwing in my head for the last couple of days, even worse.

I walked into a room that had a wide open door, because that was the first room with a wide open door that I saw. In there, I saw one really big girl, and one anorexic girl. So I was the middle woman.

"Hi" the big girl said in a friendly tone, as the skinny one just gave me a weak wave. "You must be in here for anorexia" the big girl said, "because you're too small to have any other issue." I sat down.

I scoffed, "I guess, doesn't seem like you can relate though" I said to the heavy set girl that now sat across from me. The lady who's handshake I dubbed before came back into the room as I had said what I said to the fat girl.

"Nova!" she yelled, but I ignored her. "I mean, what eating disorder do you even have?"

"People aren't all exactly here for anorexia" the girl responded, seeming unfazed by all the unnecessary negativity that I had spewed out thus far. "Some yes, but for me, I'm here because I've been having a very unhealthy binge relationship with food as of late." I nodded and pretended to feel sympathetic for a moment, "how long as that been going on?" I asked in a soft spoken voice.

"About two weeks or so" she said, confident that I cared to really know the answer. I snorted as she had said the "two weeks" bit, "I've openly cheated on my boyfriend without getting caught longer than that" I shot back, folding my arms. "And I'm at the top of my school in terms of popularity with a ton of boys wanting me, and girls wanting to be me. So imagine that type of pressure."

"Is that why you're a royal bitch?" The really skinny, actual anorexic girl had asked as soon as I finished speaking. "Ladies!" my teacher said, but a teacher never stopped me from speaking my damn mind. "No" I said calmly, "I'm a bitch because I don't deserve to be here. I'm doing better than both of you, look at yourselves! You're both on the verge of death in one way or another."

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