56 | The Return of Jaubrey

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I stuffed one of the Polaroid pictures of Aubrey and I into a crease in a corner of my locker so that it would stick there. I had made sure Aubrey was nowhere in sight before I did that.

"Hey" I heard a slightly deep male voice say as I turned back towards my locker after checking around for Aubrey. "Hey" I began saying as I turned to see Aj, who I definitely wasn't expecting.

"Oh my gosh, I said, I totally forgot about you! I'm so sorry! How are you?" Aj gave me a limp smile. "I'm okay" he said, "and I get it, I heard it's been a drama filled week for you." I bit my lip before speaking, "yup" I said, "sure has been." Aj nodded awkwardly, "I don't wanna bother you too much" he said, "cause I know that you and Nick are back."

"It happened unexpectedly" I said, "for real. I'm sorry." Aj shook his head, "no worries" he insisted, "we can be friends." I smiled, "of course we can!"

"I'm gonna go now though" Aj said, probably embarrassed at how awkward we were both being, "but I'm gonna start saying hi and shit when I see you around. Happy early Valentine's Day!" I nodded, "same to you Aj, happy early love day!"

I groaned as Aj disappeared into the distance. Valentine's Day was literally like two weeks away, and Nick and I were still low key super awkward. I know that it wasn't real this time around, but at this point we were basically a six grade relationship. We didn't speak out of school, and he walked with me to class depending on his mood.


I had put the Polaroid picture of Nova and I in my phone case, that way nobody would see it. I had fourth period with Jason, whom crossed my mind a time or two over the weekend as I realized Valentine's Day was coming up, and Nova obviously couldn't be my Valentine.

I purposely sat in Jason's seat during fourth period, so that he had no choice but to talk to me. "You're in my seat" he said casually, "why?"

"Oh hi" I said, acting as if I didn't know I was in the wrong seat, "how are you?" Jason looked at me for a moment before he spoke. It was a good thing that we were both a little early to class.

"Fine" he said, "and you?"

"Good, can we talk during lunch today?" I asked, cutting right to the chase. Jason looked reluctant, but his words said otherwise. "I don't see why not" he said calmly, "I'll see you then."


I had just about all my classes with May, but this was the only class that I had with May, Leigh, and Sophie. I was still super mad that Aubrey gave us all vomit pills, but I knew that it would be hard to get back at her, because she doesn't take anything from strangers as is. She's high maintenance and believes that everybody else around her isn't worthy of her presence or something, so getting her to accept candy, a drink, food, or just anything from anyone that isn't Nova, will probably be a struggle.

"I'm still shocked at the fact that they closed our club down" I said at random, trying to spark up a convo. "I know!" Leigh said, "like it wasn't that serious. Those crybabies really had their moms come in."

"Nova and Aubrey are both two weird entitled bitches" I continued. "Had it been someone of mediocre popularity like Carly, nobody would've stopped shit." Sophie and Leigh nodded, but May remained the same. I raised an eyebrow.

"May?" I asked, "what do you think?" May didn't react much, "it is what it is" she said, "that gossip shit was getting old anyways. We're seniors not freshman." I made a face, "how are you gonna defend the girl that literally took your man?" I asked, but May apparently came ready to argue today.

"I don't care about that shit!" she spat at me, "geez Brynn, you're literally a fucking loser. Neither of those girls care about you yet you're always so worried about them. You're worried about everything but yourself. You're a fucking wannabe, you look desperate."

I was taken back because I obviously never imagined May stepping up to me like that. I had basically taken the role of leader in this group, with Leigh, my best friend, being my wingwoman sidekick.

"Who is she talking to?" I asked Leigh, who shrugged. "Not you, that I know" Leigh said, causing May to roll her eyes. "I'm talking to you shorty" she said, looking directly at me, "and stop acting like you're on something, I've known you for years, you're definitely not."

I stood up, causing a whole scene amongst the class. "So what's up then?" I asked not really knowing what I was doing. Before I could ever react, May swung on me, causing everybody to stand up and rush towards us and see what was going on.

I wouldn't say I was getting my ass beat per say, but I was trying to block May's hits. She had faster reflex and actually seemed to know what she was doing. Either she got better since her fight with Nova, Nova was a good fighter, or I plainly just could not fight.

In the split second that I was able to actually see, I saw Leigh swinging on May from behind.

"Nah" I heard Sophie say, and next thing I know, we all fell forwards. I barely even knew what happened.


"Did you hear what happened?" Jason asked me as he and I walked out to his car, "May and Brynn got into a fight, and Brynn was getting her ass beat so Leigh jumped in, but then Sophie jumped in and yanked Leigh off, and they all got suspended."

"What?" I asked, "so their little group broke up?" And Jason nodded, "apparently" he said, "Brynn and Leigh are mad at Sophie and stopped fucking with her because she helped out May, so now it's May and Sophie, and Brynn and Leigh." I chuckled.

"Of course Brynn can't fucking fight" I said, "it's always the bitches that talk the most shit."

Jason chuckled, "it's always like that" he said, "but what did you wanna talk about? What's up?"

"I know you'll probably say no, but I think we should try a relationship one more time" I said cautiously, scared of what Jason's response might be. He shrugged, "why would I say no?" he asked, "you know I loved being with you." I made a face, "I don't know" I said, "I just feel like I put you through a lot." Jason shook his head, "at first I thought that, but then I realized that you really didn't, so not really" he said, "shit happens and it's not the end of the world. I don't have any ill will toward you."

I nodded, "so are we back?" I asked, and Jason gave me a small smile. "Sure" he said, which isn't the answer I was looking for, but I guess it'll do.



"So I heard you and Aubrey are back" Nick said, "that's good, because now she and Nova might chill out a little." I looked at Nick, "what did I say about that shit?" I asked, "stop." Nick rolled his eyes.

"You know it bothers you" he said, "isn't that why you broke up with her before?" I shrugged, "that was when I saw it from a 'date to marry' perspective. I'm not gonna marry Aubrey, and you're not gonna marry Nova, so it doesn't matter. We're just having fun and passing time. I wanna have fun, and Aubrey's a freaky hot chick, one of the hottest in the school. No way am I turning that down."

Nick didn't look contempt with my words, "I guess" he said, "but not everybody is you Jason. Some of us are dating to marry." I scoffed, "if you and Nova get married you guys will end thirty six months, two domestic abuse calls, one restraining order, and a kid or two later" I said.

"You could've just said three years" Nick said, and I chuckled, "you get the point." Nick shrugged, "I mean, we're also in this tight knit race for prom king and queen" he said, I'm sure that once Nova and I get elected and dance together on that floor, she'll want me for real. Then it'll be just us."

"Other way around buddy" I argued, and Nick raised an eyebrow. "Once Nova gets the crown, or once prom is over with in general say she doesn't get the crown, she'll probably be less reluctant with this Aubrey shit, and may be more open about it. It might be the simple fact that both of those girls want that title that's stopping them from being together right now."

Nick was in denial, "I'm a firm believer in if you want it, you get it" he began. "If Nova and Aubrey really wanted each other, they'd have each other." I sighed, "okay Nick" I said, "believe whatever your heart tells you to. Just please, stop coming to me about it."

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