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"You were staring at Aubrey all of last period" Nick pointed out to me as he, Jason, and I all sat in our second period class. "What was that about?" I slightly slouched in my seat, annoyed at the fact that Nick thought now was a good time to disclose that information. I didn't understand why he couldn't say that while we were alone. Did he want Jason to tell Aubrey that I was staring at her?

"I don't know" I said in hopes of ending the conversation, "I was just curious."

Jason turned and looked at me, "curious about what?" he chimed in, "I wanna know."

I shrugged, "she seemed upset. I wanted to ask why but I knew that she'd probably get mad at me. She got mad the last time I asked."

"We got in a fight" Jason informed Nick and I, "and I guess I went too far." Me and Nick exchanged looks, though I doubt we were thinking the same thing.

"Well, what did you say?" Nick asked, and I nodded, "I hope you didn't tell her to kill herself Jason."

Jason dramatically shook his head, "no, nothing close to that. I accused her of liking you."

"What?" Nick and I questioned in unison, "why would she like me?" I immediately added after.

Jason shrugged, "it's not that I thought she did, it's that I asked her why she acts weird when she sees you or hears your name now. Your name popped up a few times over the last few days and she got all mysterious about it every time."

"If you didn't think she did, then why did you say it?" Nick pushed. I found it cute that he seemed to care more about Aubrey potentially liking me than I did.

"She accused me of liking Nova multiple times, just because I'm nice to her. So, I asked her if she secretly liked Nova, because she seemed so obsessed with the idea of me liking her" Jason answered. "When I asked, she got upset, or angry, or whatever, and walked away. She told me she'll talk to me at the end of the day."

"She likes Nova" Nick was adamant, causing weird looks from both me and Jason.

"Just because she was accused of it doesn't mean she does" I defended Aubrey, with Jason nodding along.

"It was in the heat of the moment and I wasn't thinking before I spoke" he said, "Aubrey definitely does not have a crush on Nova."

"Okay," Nick looked at both Jason and I, "then riddle me this. How come Aubrey's obsessed with being mean to Nova?" Obviously, I didn't have an answer for that. Seemingly, Jason was rendered speechless also. Nick had a fair point, but liking me? Talk about jumping the gun. Nick continued talking once he'd seen that both Jason and I had nothing to say. "How come she randomly brought up the idea of Jason liking Nova?" He asked.

Once again, nobody answered. I did not know what to respond with and I assume Jason had been trying to process what he just heard. I couldn't accept Aubrey liking me, because that's awkward and I don't like girls. Well, I've actually never been with a girl to know that, but I assume I don't like girls.

"I never thought it before because the idea wasn't proposed," Nick egged on, "but you can't convince me otherwise, now that it's been said. Aubrey likes Nova, whether she'll admit it or not."

Jason bit his lip, evidently uncomfortable by the nature of the conversation. "Maybe," he let out, "but that's not anybody's place to address it, or out her. We could be wrong as hell, and that would be bad."

"Honestly, I don't care" I shrugged, attempting to change the subject. I mean, Aubrey is beautiful, but I have a boyfriend, and I'm also probably over analyzing the situation. There's many things that could cause Aubrey to act weird in regard to me. All I know is that I'm tired of talking about this.

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