83 | Good Bye Norwood

224 66 16

June 3rd, 2022


Today was a pretty good, yet bittersweet, day. Not only was it the official last day of school, but it was also the day that Aubrey and I would be moving out and into her aunt's old house that she was originally gonna put on the market. I would've mentioned it earlier, but I just found out yesterday while eating out with my mom and in-laws. Aubrey is truly full of beautiful surprises.

I was also incredibly grateful that Aubrey's family forgave my mom for her psycho behavior. I don't think I'm gonna come around my mom as often right away though, because I'm still skeptical and need to test the waters as an official open member of the LGBTQ community.

On an unrelated note, I was able to drive to school today! Considering all that's happened with Nick, I've kept it in mind to be mindful of my driver's license information and papers, because I'm sure that if he wants to, he can have them revoked. I hope not though, because I think we're seriously on good terms this time around.

"Look at my college student!" Hailey said, approaching me as I crumbled up random papers that had been left in my locker. "Are you excited?" I chuckled, "yeah," I said, "Aubrey and I haven't exactly discussed the whole college thing yet, because we were thinking of IVF and kids and shit, as early as it is." Hailey's face lit up, "I'm gonna be an aunt?!" she asked, excitedly.

"Not officially," I said with a small laugh, "neither of us are pregnant. We were thinking of having Jason and Nick be donors because I mean, they've been through it all with us. It'll also allow Nick to be a part of my life still." Hailey nodded, "so you're gonna take gap years or something? Like do you even have a little of a plan?"

"Kind of," I said, "I should be heading to Florida state university in the fall because they accept any in-state student that doesn't apply to any other college." Hailey nodded, "yeah," she said, "I figured you didn't apply to any other college, you've been dealing with way too much this school year to even look in that direction." I chuckled, "yeah, it wasn't a priority."

"What do you even wanna do when you're older?" Hailey asked, and I shrugged, "although I never thought about it in-depth, I'm sort of interested in being a model. I never saw myself as super attractive or whatever, but this school year taught me a lot. One of those things I learned was that I underestimate myself most of the time." Hailey smiled, "you and Aubrey both can do modeling girl" she said, "seriously."

"I'm just taking it day by day" I replied, "seeing where life takes me. Cause trust, I never imagined that I'd be married, let alone to a woman, a year ago." Hailey chuckled, "this year has been crazy, but it's been my best year at Norwood for sure, and I have you to thank for that." I smiled, "same to you, I said, and although you didn't ask, here's some senior advice: live every day like it's your last. Don't slow down over mistakes, don't stress over failure, and don't regret things of the past. Every obstacle is a puzzle piece to a beautiful outcome. You're destined for big things in twenty-twenty-three. I believe it."

Hailey didn't say anything, she just hugged me. "I'm gonna miss seeing you every single day," she said, "but I do plan to spend any moment that you and Aubrey aren't scissoring this summer, with you." I smiled, "of course!" I said, "you can come to me and Aubrey's place whenever. Our home is your home."


"So," I said to Nick who was standing around idle on his phone. "Quite the school year, huh?" Nick smiled, "yeah," he said, "a hectic one. But definitely, something that won't be forgotten so easily." I nodded, "once again I'm genuinely so sorry," I said, "it's not fair that you had to be my guinea pig and endure what you did."

Nick shook his head profusely, "don't stress it Nov" he said, giving me a nickname. "You were without a doubt my first, and so far worst, heartbreak, but you taught me a lot. A lot on how to treat a girl, a lot on self-love, and a lot on life in general. I learned to cherish every day, every moment like it was my last, because things change, and you never know when it'll be your last time having that moment."

"I hate that it took you going through what you did to learn that, but I am glad that you took something out of it," I said, with a smile. "And although I'm not so sure when or if I even ever wanna do it, but if you're ever interested in being a sperm donor so that Aubrey and I can have another little one next to the one that she may be intending on having, I'd love that. You can see them whenever you want and all. I meant it when I said I still wanted you around Nick."

"Man," Nick said, "you know I can't say no to you Nova. Of course, I'll be down to do that. Whenever you need a mini-me, let me know." I chuckled, "man, school without you is gonna be real boring," I said, "thank you for the ups and downs. I guarantee you, you are one of the several people that regardless of where life goes, will never be forgotten by me."

Nick pulled me into a hug as I could feel my face getting hot and attempting to let tears out. "I love you, Nova," he said, "and I feel the same way. We may not have been soulmates for long, but we'll be friends forever. Now let's get out of here and go find Jason and them." I nodded, "sounds like a plan."

"Oh," Nick said, "and not that I was eavesdropping or something, but if you're going to Florida State University, then I'll for sure be seeing you again."


All in all, Norwood was probably the highlight of my life so far, as bad as it may sound. I dealt with rumors, struggled to find myself, and constantly ended up in positions that I dreaded like hell, but this was also the place where I met my soulmate, met my best friend, and gained the self-confidence that I never knew needed. Because of those things, I will forever be grateful for this school.

There was romance, there was rivalry, and then there was me: wedged up somewhere in between all of that mess. That beautiful, unpredictable, mess.

Goodbye Norwood.

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