64 | Aubrey's Plan

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Prom was exactly two months from now, May 10th. Today I had hoped that Jason and I could go prom dress shopping, since the championship game was tomorrow, and I didn't really wanna go last minute because then all they cute dresses would be gone.

I actually took the whole "prom dress shopping with your man" idea from Nova, partially because I thought it was cute, and partially because I needed to lock in now if I wanted any real chance at prom king and queen. Despite how big the senior class was, Nova and I were still the only two girls running. I figure that as these two months edge closer and closer however, other people will start stepping in.

I probably said this before, but I felt like Nova and Nick gave off more of a couple vibe than Jason and I did. That may also be due to the fact that Nick and Nova were like this cute middle school thing where they're scared to express their feelings to each other.


Since Aubrey was in the bathroom, and it usually took years for her to get out, I took that time to look at my prom dress again. I'm sure Aubrey had seen it by now because if I knew that my friend went prom dress shopping, I know that I would've nosily looked at her dress while she wasn't around. That's just me though, maybe Aubrey's respectful and minds her business deep down.

Anyways, the dress was actually really easy to put on, despite how complex it looked from the outside. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined myself with the crown. But no matter how deeply I imagined, I couldn't imagine Nick beside me. I was kind of just there, wearing this crown that was being securely held down by my curly coarse hair.

"That's odd" I said, referring to the fact that I couldn't imagine Nick beside me as I won prom queen. I began to hear the bathroom doorknob rattle a little bit. "Shit" I said, not caring about all that stuff I said earlier about how Aubrey may have already seen my dress. Fuck that, I ran out of the room faster than you could say my name. I rushed into a guest room across the hall and quickly looked through the closet hoping I could find a towel or outfit to wear back to Aubrey's room. In the meantime, I'll just leave the dress here, and when Aubrey's out or some shit, I'll bring it back. Smart, right?



"Hi Aubrey", the guidance counselor said as I wandered into her room. I had been thinking real deep into all this prom shit, and realized I didn't really have any credibility, or just anything that would make the students at Norwood want to vote for me. So, I was gonna discreetly start here.

"Hey" I replied, as I found a seat for myself. "I came here because I really need to find some ideas of how I can get an edge at prom. Like, I wanted to make a club or start some fundraiser. Something that is beneficial to the kids here, or could grab their attention." The counselor smiled, "that's great Aubrey, is there anything in particular that interests you?"

"I'm thinking I can start some kind of fundraiser for finding a cure for cancer or something" I said, "then if we meet our goal, I'll set up some senior slip and slide." The counselor nodded at me, "that's not bad, but where are you gonna get the money for the slip and slide from?" I smiled, "two places."

"One, depending on how much is needed, I can get it from my mom. If that price is too much, I can give a little less to the foundation. Say I raise ten thousand, I'll take off five or so for the slip and slide." The counselor looked surprised, "well then it looks like you've already got a plan" she said, "and I'll tell you what. I can run that by the staff for you, and if they approve, we can meet here again next week to make up a plan."

"Sounds like a deal" I said as I stood up, "it was nice making business with you." The counselor smiled, "teens never fail to make me happy" she said, "thank you Aubrey. You have a nice day."

As soon as I walked out of the guidance counselor's office, I ran right into my boyfriend.

"Hey" he said, "you okay? What were you doing in there?" I shrugged, "I'm good, just finding ways to blow ahead in the competition." Jason nodded, "what were you doing specifically though?" he asked, being the little nosey bitch he is. I shrugged, "trying to start a fundraiser. Don't worry about it though, you don't have to do anything. You're already a star athlete which is enough to get you votes, now it's my turn to be something." Jason smiled, "just curious" he said, "and don't worry about me, I'll keep my nose out of it. I'll support you the whole way though."

"I know you will, you have no choice but to. If not, people are gonna think something happened between us, and pick Nova and Nick."

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