51 | Plan Executed

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I hadn't seen Nova in school for the last two days, but I didn't think of it often. I tried to get her out of my head because I mean, there's nothing between us anymore apparently. Well truthfully, there never really was anything at all.

I was kind of in the middle of nowhere now, and prom was creeping up on a bitch like crazy. I now needed to focus on that, because I legitimately hadn't done much focusing on it at all this school year.

Also, I noticed that I kind of messed with the same few kids, despite the fact that I literally was one of the most popular people in this school. Nova was similar, but she did a little better than me in that aspect.

Instead of my alarm waking me up today, I was woken up by several loud dings that I heard from my phone. When I checked the time, I saw that school had already started nearly have an hour ago.

"Shit!" I said aloud, as I started scrambling around. I didn't even check who had texted me.

I grabbed a hot pink belly shirt, a jean skirt, and white slip on van shoes. I put my head down and brushed my hair from the roots to the ends, to give it a frizzy look. Blonde hair didn't look too bad on me.

I didn't bother with makeup today, and I stuffed my perfumes and scented lotions in my bag. I don't know why I was in a rush, because I hated school quite frankly, but I just was.

I hoped in my car and drove towards Norwood, once again forgetting to check my phone. "I'll check it when I get to first period" I said, speaking to myself aloud, "I really don't have time right now."


A calm looking Aubrey strolled into first period, very late. There was practically like no point of her even coming to this period, because there was only like ten minutes left of class.

"Hi Mrs" Aubrey said, handing her late slip that proved that she went to the office. The teacher smiled sheepishly, "hi Aubrey."

I clenched my fist below the desk in slight panic, and my knee began to bounce. I could see Nick looking at me sympathetically from the corner of his eye, but I didn't bother looking at him, because then he'd ask if I'm okay, and I'm most definitely not.

"Hey Aubrey" Leon, a Hispanic kid that sits in the front, said, "you missed the shit show that happened earlier. Everybody was ragging on Nova because she changed her hairstyle over you." I rolled my eyes.


"No I didn't" Nova said calmly, and I could tell she was annoyed, so I believed she didn't.

"Oh yeah?" Leon said, "then why did you also not come to class for like two days, were you trying to go MIA like Aubrey but mommy didn't let you stay out of school for that long?" the class erupted in laughs.

"You're not gonna do something about that?" I asked our teacher, who picks and chooses when she wants to save someone. She shrugged, "it's free talking period right now" she said, "we're done with the work for today."

"Awe look at Aubrey, defending her girlfriend!" another kid said, and now I was the one getting annoyed. "Shut up!" I hissed, "y'all are weird."

Nova looked at me funny, "did you not see my text?" she asked, as I made my way to my seat, with all eyes on me. "I didn't check, I was in a rush" I said, and Nova nodded. I decided to check now.

"Nova and Aubrey sitting in a tree!" Joey began, but Nick snapped out of nowhere. "I'll stuff you in a tree if you don't shut the fuck up!" he damn near yelled, startling even the teacher, "leave them alone." As Nick spoke I read the messages of Nova explaining that the Norwood Newsletter came out with a new issue today, one that claimed that Lewis only got with Nova because of a dare, attempted to have a threesome with she and I, then left when he caught Nova and I eating each other out?

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