8 | One-Up Them

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I figured that today would be filled with "Aubrey" and "Nova" talk, but I didn't expect it to start so early. As soon as I walked through the student entrance, I heard a random girl telling her friend that I was "Aubrey's competition." As I walked by them, acting as if I hadn't heard anything, they both aggressively eyed me. You would've thought I did something to one of the bitches, the way they were staring me down.

Left and right my schoolmates bombarded me with questions, asking me if I hated Aubrey and if I would considered fighting her if she beat me in the prom race. It didn't take long for me to see that I couldn't stand the thought of being associated with other people. Actually, I could to an extent, like with Nick, but definitely not with somebody like Aubrey. But at the same time, I guess I shouldn't complain, because at least my name is being mentioned, right?

Nick had told me about his conversation with Jason, so I figured that Aubrey wasn't going to have anything slick to say for once. That I'm not sure of, but I just hoped that she wasn't mad that I'm not threatened by her running alongside me. She's really hard to read and kinda seems like one of those ticking time bombs that can go from 'regular bitchy' to 'frightening crazy' in a second.

Nick, who smelt like polo cologne today, walked with me to first period, which calmed my nerves a little. Aubrey most certainly cannot physically take down Nick, given she's like 5'4 or 5'5, a smidge taller than me, and Nick's like 6'1. Not that Nick would even bother fighting her, I'd hope.

Nearly half way through the period, Aubrey made her way in, looking a little too happy for it to be genuine happiness. Wearing the shortest yet non-revealing skirt I've ever seen, with the thinnest tube top to match, she gave me this wide ear-to-ear smile before walking over to her seat. I didn't bother watching Aubrey make her way and sit, I figured that would look bad on my part. As I redirected my focus on my cellphone, I could see a small shadow hovering above me, indicating that she was standing. I looked over at her in curiosity and saw that she'd been leaning against her desk with her hands resting on her hips, seeming to be waiting for me to notice.

"Nova, bestie!" Aubrey chirped in thick sarcasm, "I've missed you!" I folded my lips in, now refusing to look anywhere but down as it was clear that everybody was looking me and Aubrey's way. I shut my phone off, placed it face down on my desk, and tapped my fingers. Ever been in a moment where you can't tell what the level of hostility is? You fear that one wrong move may trigger an exaggerated response? That's how I feel right now. What if Aubrey just randomly drags me by my hair out of my seat because she didn't like my lack of response? Or what if I do respond, but not in the way she'd like?

"Hi Aubrey," I grumbled in a low tone, finally deciding to just speak. I could see Nick watching us from the corner of my eye. Aubrey finally sat down and to my surprise, did nothing more than go on her phone. I took a discreetly deep breath and assumed that our conversation was over.

"How do you think this dress will look with a golden crown?" Aubrey questioned me after a short lived silence, just as tension was starting to leave my body. She showed me a plain red mermaid dress.

"What's your deal?" I asked, my annoyance overriding my fear. I wanted Aubrey to sense my emotions, so I didn't refrain from making them obvious. Maybe if she could tell I was fed up, she would shut the fuck up already.

Aubrey presumably pretended to be offended at my words, putting a hand over her chest, followed by a light gasp. "I'm just asking!" she spoke in a taken back tone, "I mean, I assume you'll be the second best dressed, so maybe you have some taste."

"Okay," I voiced, as I turned to face Nick.

"Loser" Aubrey let out under her breath, causing me to snap my body back around to face her.

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