77 | Angry Haitian Mom

127 64 16

May 14th, 2022


Nova and I were able to find a quiet, empty room during lunch period. We wanted to start planning shit out in order to make this possible on June 1st.

"Well, I don't know who we're gonna have walk you in, because I doubt Nick will want to, but I was thinking it would be cool having exes walk us in. It'll be like our past, closeted lives, introducing us to our new, proud ones." Nova sighed.

"I'm gonna ask Nick, because he does have Lisa now" Nova said, "so maybe he'll be more willing to help me." I nodded, "that's true" I said, "and if anything, we can get Jason and Lewis and all them to talk to him. He has to get over it at some point."

"Hey gal pals!" Maddie said walking in, "what's happening? Are we talking weddings?" I smiled, "yes Maddie" I replied as Matt came in the room as well. "We're trying to plan out our wedding so that we can actually make it happen on June 1st."

"I can help" Maddie offered, sitting down. Matt cleared his throat, "tell them what you were gonna say Madison" he said, "I wanted to see if I could catch up with the guys in a few." Maddie nodded and Nova and I looked at her in curiosity.

"So, Matt and I had been struggling with like, finding names for our girl and all" Maddie said, and Nova nodded. I didn't know that or really care at the moment, so I just stared blankly. "And after witnessing all that happened with like you two and prom, I realized that you guys had an odd yet incredibly beautiful love story." I smiled, how cute.

"So after a lot of thought and convincing Matt, Matt and I decided that we wanted to name our daughter after you two. Aubrey Nova Harvey." I looked over at Nova who had a slow forming smile growing on her face. "That's so sweet" she said, "oh my gosh."

Our names together in that way sounded really ugly, not gonna lie, but I wasn't gonna ruin this moment.

"And if you two were interested" Matt continued, "we were also wondering if you'd like to be godparents. It would mean the world to us." I definitely didn't think Matt personally meant that last line, as it seemed that he was letting Maddie call all the shots, but it didn't matter. This was really weird given the fact that both Nova and I had stints with Maddie in which we felt we hated her. Neither of us were ever that close with Maddie or Matt.

"Of course" I forced out, out of just wanting to be alone in the room with Nova again. I didn't look at her once because I'm sure she was thinking something along the lines of "this is fucking weird" as well. "You guys are so incredibly sweet for that," I continued, "wow. Thank you so much."


After hearing that Aubrey and Nova would be getting some happily ever after, I was mad. Don't get me wrong, that's cute and all, but I still wanted full chaos to erupt somewhere in between them, and it fucking wasn't. So, I had one last trick up my sleeve before I called it quits for good and left them alone.

"How'd you find Nova's address?" Leigh asked me, curious to know. We were on our way to Nova's house, and I planned on telling her mom about her beloved daughter's wedding. I don't know the complete logistics about Nova and her mom's relationship, but I do know that according to the document I found, there's a restraining order in place. "Court documents" I replied to Leigh.

"Here's the plan, we're gonna tell Nova's mom that Nova and Aubrey are getting married soon. If her mom asks why we told, we'll say that Nova and Aubrey told us tell everybody we know, and that Aubrey sent us here. If my understanding of Nova's mom is correct, that alone should have her mad" I continued after answering Leigh's question.

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