60 | Maddie Got A Secret

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Nova and I planned to go prom dress shopping in the evening, so I had all morning to do absolutely nothing. It was Saturday, which I normally considered my "rest day" football season, but for once I didn't want to, or maybe plainly just could not, rest.

Nova was on my mind all day, and thinking about the fact that she basically avoided talking about this whole thing with May and Lewis with me made me feel weirder. I mean I avoided it first and at this point she pretty much knew that, so maybe, just maybe, she was going along with whatever game it was that she believed I was playing.

I found it incredibly hard to believe that despite all that's happened up until now, Nova isn't really into me. I mean, you're telling me that she's been that head over heels for Aubrey after one kiss?

I was starting to face this high level of desperation. A level so high that I was willing to do anything to make Nova feel the way I feel for her.

I had began looking at love spells and rituals online, and find one that literally only needed a candle and a picture. Seeing as I was not only bored out of my mind, but lovestruck and obsessed with somebody that clearly didn't feel the same, I was contemplating doing a love spell, hard.


Two days earlier

I sat on the bathroom toilet, starting to feel a tingle in my legs from idle positioning. I didn't care though, I just continued to bounce my legs at fast rates as I waited, and truthfully dreaded, the moment that could change my life forever.

The distinct beeping sound that I was waiting for went off, somewhat breaking me out of my daze. I was still having this "is this really happening" type of feeling that I just couldn't shake off. I sighed and looked over at the counter, where my fate was laying.

"Positive: 5 weeks."

"No" I said, pulling my tingling legs up and curling up in a ball as I still sat over the toilet. "No. This cannot be happening right now."

I felt like my life was just coming full circle. Senior year was almost over, I was in a happy relationship, and I was fixing my bonds with everybody. Life was good, and I was just starting to enjoy my teenage years. This couldn't be happening right now.

Present time

Since finding out that I was pregnant, I hadn't really spoken to anybody about it. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I'm still in shock. I mean, Matt and I had been having sex for some years at this point, why am I now getting knocked up?

I had decided that today I was gonna go to Nick, whom I'd consider to be my confidant. Through everything, he has been there, and I've personally tried my best to do the same.


"Okay" I said aloud, "I have the candle, the picture, and the words. Just place it like this." I put down a picture of Nova that I had gotten a while ago. It was a baby picture that she gave me, but I'm sure that it still works anyways. I set up a candle to the right of the picture, and found a lighter in my dad's grilling shed to use.

I took a deep breath, "you will love me" I said with confidence. "You will love me until you die. You will feel an undeniable love for me."

"Nicholas, what the hell are you doing?" I turned around to see a curious Maddie, who clearly didn't know how to knock before entering people's homes. "Madison," I began, "why are you in my house?"

"I climbed through your basement window" she said, "which I don't suggest. Anyways, are you doing a freaking love ritual on Nova?" I shrugged, "maybe."

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