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"I have to get back at her" I paced before Jason like a mad-woman as we sat in my bedroom. "I can't let her think she won, because that'll only give her mental leverage. Plus, if I don't get back at her, everybody will clown me. I'll be blown out of the water by the time prom comes around."

We had been suspended for a week, along with Nova and Nick. I didn't think it was fair towards us, because we were the victims, but apparently us having sex in the school parking lot was a crime, and it was either stay home for a week or face criminal charges.

"What could you possibly do to get back at her?" Jason questioned, "because trust me on this Aubrey, Nick and Nova definitely aren't having sex, so we can't catch them in the act like they did with us."

I nodded, "I'll just have to do some stalking then" I figured, "see if I could get something on Nova."

Jason didn't really seem too thrilled with the whole stalking idea, but he didn't stop it either. "Whatever makes you feel better" he shrugged, "just... be careful Aubrey. We narrowly avoided jail the other day. Don't do anything that'll potentially get you in legal trouble." I opened my MacBook and went on white-spot, a website that told me people's addresses and phone numbers.

I knew Nova's last name because the teacher occasionally takes attendance before class starts, so that was easy. Once I searched up "Nova Milan," two addresses popped up. One was last updated last year, and the other was last updated this month. Both addresses had other similar information, and mentioned that Nova was in the "16-20" age range, so I figured they were talking about the same person.

"Let's go" I jumped up, reciting Nova's address into my phone. As we made our way downstairs, I grabbed a carton of eggs from my fridge.

"I don't think we should do that" Jason suggested, trying to take the eggs from me, but I jerked my hand away. He should be grateful, I could definitely do way worse than this.

"I won't get caught" I reassured him, as he sighed, giving up, and followed me outside.

Turns out, Nova didn't live that far from me. I was kind of surprised to end up at a run down neighborhood that looked like the projects though. For a moment, I wasn't sure if this was the right place, because Nova seems relatively high maintenance.

"I need to go live" I figured, once I had finally gotten myself to believe that what I was seeing was definitely Nova's place. I wouldn't really be getting revenge if people don't see what I'm doing. I looked up at Jason, and it was clear as day that he didn't wanna be here. I don't know why he was feeling remorseful for this bitch, but whatever.

People joined my livestream fast, probably because of the whole sex situation. Once I had nearly one-hundred viewers, I started talking. "Hello you guys!" I said with forced glee, "I'm at Nova's house. Since she didn't want to finish what she started, I will."


I saw that Maddie was calling me, but I was scared to answer. I didn't really do much for Nick in terms of his fight with Jason, though there wasn't much that I could do. But I still feared that she may have been mad at me. "Should I answer?" I asked myself aloud as I put my cup of yogurt down. "Fuck it."

"Hey Maddie" I said casually, acting as if nothing had happened the other day. I prepared myself to be yelled at or even cursed out.

"Girl, check your socials right now!" she demanded, not even paying attention to what I had said.

"Well hello to you too" I wittily responded, before checking my phone.

"What am I supposed to be looking for?" I asked, as I refreshed my page and didn't see much.

"Aubrey is live, she's outside of your house and she's egging it!" Maddie sounded worried. You would've thought it was her place getting egged, the way her voice was slightly cracking and higher pitched.

"Huh?" I subconsciously let out, as so many questions began to pool in my head. "What the hell?" I made my way to my bedroom window to peek, carefully, because I didn't want Aubrey to see me.

My heart sank when I saw that Aubrey was actually outside, but my heart sank down to my ass when I saw my mom pulling up to the house.

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard my mom yell.

"My moms here!" I confided to Maddie, "I'll talk to you later, thank you. I've gotta go." I hung up before Maddie could reply and sprinted downstairs. With my mom already mad about the whole suspension thing, this would more than likely push her over the edge. And believe me, you don't wanna see Ms. Nalani's wrath. That lady scares me.

"What's happening?" I asked in a low tone as I opened the door, then acted as if I was in complete shock when I saw egg yolk everywhere.

"I'm calling the police" my mom insisted, with me excessively nodding. "I know their names, ma" I added, as Aubrey and Jason panicked.

Well, Jason was the one panicking actually, Aubrey was just staring at me, though her eyes weren't all judging and mean looking for once. She looked as if she were trying to talk to me through her eyes. Weird.

"We'll clean it" Jason offered, "just please don't call the police on us. That won't be necessary."

My mom rolled her eyes and brushed past me. She didn't appear content, but I'm sure she'd had a long enough day already. I stood there, as Aubrey and Jason began attempting to clean yolk with leaves.

"I'll... get towels" I said awkwardly.


"Listen" my mom said, as I sat in the living room, obsessively scrolling through my social accounts. I wasn't even responding back to people's messages, or doing homework. I was too worried about my address being out there, or being talked about, to pay attention. I noticed a few indirect jokes that I'm sure were about me, but they were more so about my house being egged than they were living in poorville.

"I don't know what's going on with you and those people, but I saw them in the office yesterday, sitting around just like you had been, so I assume that they too were suspended. I don't want drama Nova, I have way too much shit going on to worry about that" My mom made clear as she hovered over me.

I looked up and nodded, "I don't know her like that mom" I admitted, "she's trying to create an issue with me, I don't quite know why."

My mom shrugged, "I don't know either Nova, you're a nice girl. But please, keep that away from home."

I waited for my mom to leave before I got up and left the living room, because it would've been deemed disrespectful if I left any sooner. I went upstairs and just sighed as I closed my door. I didn't even know how to feel, or what to do at the moment. There was no way that I could handle this type of treatment from Aubrey all school year. Why doesn't she like me?

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