58 | Nothing Good Ever Happens in the Lockeroom

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February 12, 2022


Since Norwood newsletter was no longer a thing, I decided that I was gonna start "May's Mondays", which would be a video diary type of thing that consisted of me interviewing students here at Norwood. It would be similar to Norwood Newsletter in the sense that both would feature the hottest stories and drama, but different in the sense that it would be consensual.

I guess me being bored after school while I waited for Lewis was what caused me to come up with this idea. The boys had football practice yet again, but their season was thankfully almost at an end. If they won their Valentine's Day game, they'd make the playoffs and would only have three games to win say they go all the way. If they lose, then the season is over and I could finally have Lewis after school.

While waiting, I began filming an introductory video. I at some point saw the boys on the field as they headed towards the school building, so I waited and followed from a distance. I wanted to surprise Lewis when he got out, and maybe get him and his teammates on film.

Once I was confident that the guys were all in the locker room, I walked up to the door and waited from the outside. They were all talking in a regular tone, but due to the door being partially sound-proof, I could barely hear a thing. If Nova and Aubrey had decided to stick around instead of heading home, I wouldn't be doing this nosey shit right now.


"I bet my girl is the best in bed out of all of us" Jason said, causing scoffs and laughs amongst the group. "Nah man" Matt said, "Maddie is great."

"Dude!" Nick said, "that's my cousin." We all laughed again. "Sorry man" Matt continued, "just had to clear the air. My girls the best."

"I don't know" Nick said, Nova got that water, like for real." George nodded, "I've never been with Nova, but if Aubrey can't resist then she probably does, so I support Nick's claim."

"Then shouldn't you support mine too?" Jason asked, "I'm dating Aubrey." George shrugged, "yeah, but Nova had Nick starstruck if y'all forgot. You moved on from Aubrey like it was nothing."

"I'm backing up Nick too" I said, "I've been with Nova, and she definitely has that water. She's freakier than she looks." All the guys looked at me, "oh shit!" Jason said, "when was this?"

I shrugged, "I ain't no snitch" he said, and Nick looked at me, "you're good" he said, "Nova and I aren't exactly exclusive." I raised an eyebrow, "like y'all an open relationship?" I asked, and Nick nodded. "Yeah" he said, "so if it was recent I won't get mad." I nodded.

"It was like, I don't know maybe the seventh. It was right before May and I got back together. She was begging me to get with May, and I took that as an opportunity to get what I wanted. So I told her that I'd get with May if she slept with me, and she agreed."


I held my hand over my mouth as I heard what Lewis said. So that day that I had seen both Nova and Lewis come back into the school, it was after they had sex? So Lewis literally only got with me just because Nova had sex with him?

I quickly removed my ear from the cold door and ran down the hall, not caring if anybody heard me running. This was embarrassing, and I didn't exactly know how to react right now.

I had a car, but because of Lewis and I being an item again, he would pick me up for school. So, I was stuck calling my mom to get me. While waiting, Lewis shot me a text, asking where I was. I didn't bother responding, because I really didn't know how to without making an unnecessary or witty remark.


"Hello?" I asked, as I saw that May was calling me. "I haven't seen you much in school since girl, what's up?" May was breathing heavily, as if she had just ran some long marathon or had been crying.

"Would you consider it cheating if your man slept with someone else right before getting back with you? Like the same day he got back with you? And while he had intention on getting back with you?" May asked, which I wasn't expecting.

"Same day, no" I began, "but if he had intention, I'd say yeah, kinda. That's gross, it's like he wanted the best of both worlds without being dubbed a cheater." I could hear May beginning to cry on the other line, "oh my gosh" I said, "that wasn't a theoretical question? What happened?"

"Sophie if I tell you, you can't tell anybody" May said, "because I don't know what I'm gonna do, I don't want drama, and I don't want anybody harassing this person. Please." I tried to think, based off of May's words, of who it could possibly be. Truthfully, the only conclusion I could draw was Brynn. "I promise" I reassured, "talk to me May."

"Nova slept with Lewis" May said, and I gasped. "Huh?" I asked, "isn't she dating Nick?" May sniffled, "she is, but I guess in the locker room when they were talking about it, Nick admitted that their relationship was an open one, so that's when Lewis said it happened right before we got back."

"Oh my gosh" I said, "so that means that Nova and Nick are basically just together for the publicity!" May continued to sniffle on the other end of the line, "yeah" she said, "just so they can get the crown I think. I don't really care honestly."

"May, use that shit against her" I said proudly. "Tell her that you know, and you'll expose she and Nick's fake relationship if she doesn't do what you want." May didn't talk for a second, and I personally think she may have been unsure of that idea. "What's the point in that though?" she asked, "what could I possibly want?"

"Anything" I said, "but all I'm saying is you can't let Nova get away with this, you have an upper hand." May still seemed a little reluctant, "you're right, but for now I'm gonna play things cool and take it day by day. Who knows, maybe I'll come up with something in the process of it all."

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