27 | Mrs Sawyer

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Nick and I walked into class together, where a very amused looking Aubrey stared. "I'll give you guys four more months tops" she joked, "then you'll be done for sure." I rolled my eyes. I hadn't even thought about the nosy, always-have-something-to-say bitches like Aubrey and Brynn when I made that post about being single online. I was entirely focused on Nick seeing it, and Nick seeing it only.

The room slowly got quiet as Mrs Silva's infamous red stiletto heels clacked against the floor from a distance, indicating that she was nearby. As she officially walked in and the class organized themselves. Everybody began sitting in their seats, and Nick reached into my bag for a pen or pencil, I assumed.

"Hey Nova" Aubrey started at random, whilst the class was somewhat silent, "you forgot your bra at my house the other day." Gasps and some little to nothing laughter broke out, making my face get hot.

"Very funny Aubrey" I began. I could see Nick eyeing me as if he was practically reading my mind. "I know it was probably a bigger cup size than what you and your mosquito bites are used to seeing, but I'm pretty sure that bra was just your mom's or something." Now the class had really bursted into laughter, and Aubrey's face was now evidently the hotter one, as her cheeks became a tomato red shade. If Aubrey was smart, she'd clap back at my mosquito bite titties, because I'm pretty sure she was a cup or two bigger than I was in actuality. I'm positive that she was willingly sparing me though.

"Aubrey, Nova, step outside, now!" Mrs Silva demanded. I didn't wanna awkwardly walk outside alongside Aubrey, so I just did what was asked immediately. Thankfully, Aubrey took a second to actually cooperate.

We had to wait until the teacher was done giving instructions and all, so I knew we had a moment. I didn't know what to say, but I did kinda wanna talk to Aubrey. Finally, I spoke.

"I didn't set you up" I insisted while practically whispering, "I didn't know he was following me. He's crazier than he seems."

"Crazier than he seems?" Aubrey asked, also in a whisper, and I nodded. "I mean, it probably sounds real dumb, but he's like, a controlling, threatening type of crazy."

I had no idea why I was telling Aubrey this, especially after Nick and I agreed on just acting as if it never happened, but maybe one day it would be useful. She was probably gonna use it against me, but oh well, you can always deny what's said in person.

"Why should I believe you?" Aubrey questioned, folding her arms. "You're probably just trying to set me up so that you can embarrass me again. You're not low."

"Why do you think I'm trying to do what you're trying to do?" I asked, rudely. "Just because you're trying to ruin me, doesn't mean I'm trying to ruin you. I have nothing against you baby."

Aubrey made a face, and I instantly realized I said "baby" instead of Aubrey. "What?" I said aloud, questioning myself. I looked around as I forced myself to laugh, trying to play it off. "I meant Aubrey."

I was embarrassed and once again, my face was hot. "I meant Aubrey" I said one more time, "Aubrey."

Aubrey was blushing, but I could tell that she was trying to hide it... or I at least hoped she was. But before Aubrey could say anything, a very tired-of-this-shit looking Mrs Silva walked out to where Aubrey and I stood.

"Look" she began, "from my understanding, there's been rumors of romance, along with some rivalry. It's not my business, so I won't ask. But I will say, please don't make inappropriate comments in my class. Once a few people start, everybody does."

Aubrey and I nodded nearly in unison, as we walked back into class with no further comment about the topic. To my surprise, Nick was sitting in my seat. "I think it's best you two stay on opposite sides" he suggested, "sitting next to Aubrey isn't helping."

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