23 | Set Up

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Nick had given me the target's home address and phone number, only so that I could use her number to track her IP, say I lose her.

I set up my car last night so that I could camp outside of said target's—who I believe is Nick's girlfriend—house. I supplied my car with a sensor that would alert me if somebody walked by, a tarp to cover my window if needed, snacks, two full gallons of water, and a tank of gas in case I needed to refill my car. I was parked a few houses down, at a vacant home. That way Miss Nova wouldn't suspect me.

Around ten in the morning I watched somebody who matched the description of Nova leave the home I was guarding. I waited as she walked in my car's direction. Once she was turning the street, I began slowly following behind. Thankfully the earliness of the morning meant that many cars were not present in the streets, so I could go as slow as I want and still be able to follow Nova. I shot Nick a quick text to let him know what was going on.


An hour earlier:

I couldn't sleep at all last night, probably because I was practically dying of embarrassment from what I had done in front of Nick. I felt like there was only one thing I could do, regardless of how badly I did not want to do it. Clearly, Aubrey was on my mind.

I video-called Aubrey, and the ringing truly felt like an eternity. "Answer" I groaned as I begged aloud, holding my face in my hand.

"Well look who came around" Aubrey wittily said as soon as she answered. She had a face mask on, her hair was tied up, and she appeared to be wearing something along the lines of a pink robe. She looked good, but not good enough to sway me. I think.

"You say that as if you had even texted me your address or when I could come over, like you said you would" I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, whether you say I can or cannot, I'm coming today." Aubrey grinned.

"Perfect," she seemed to let out without thought. "You can come by now, I'm home alone." I took a deep breath, I am seriously planning my first ever sneaky link...with another woman...while having a woman. What the hell has my life come to?

"Okay," I spoke softly, "just let me shower first. And don't forget to send me your address."

Aubrey pushed her behind her ear as she moved her phone, seeming to be on another app while her camera was still on. "I got you," she obliged. "Don't take forever. See you then."

Present time:

"Awe, I was hoping you'd dress like a slut or something" Aubrey joked, to which I gave a subtle eye-roll. "Let's just get this over with," I mumbled, slipping past her and inviting myself in.

Aubrey followed me to the couch, speaking. "Do you not want to do this?" She questioned me, "because if you don't, we don't have to, Nova."

"Really?" I excitedly asked, to which Aubrey smiled.

"Really" she replied with the same amount of cheerful enthusiasm,"I can always just tell your boyfriend about your cheating instead."

My smile faded immediately, Aubrey began laughing at my reaction. "I'm giving you a choice, love" she began, "there's no gun to your head or anything."


"What's happening now?" Nick asked, as we were on the phone. I had told him every detail up until now. As far as he knew, Nova had walked to somebody's house, knocked the door, and was talking to someone. I just couldn't quite see who that someone that Nova was conversing with, was.

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