67 | New Girl, New Plans

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We all sat in first period, but there was a little bit of tension. May seemed to be her normal calm self, Nova was clearly trying not to say anything, and Nick was confused about Nova's oddly silent demeanor. As for me, I was praying that whatever Nova was gonna say, didn't come out until next period when I wasn't there. That would be great.

"Class" Mrs Silva said as she walked into the room with a girl who looked somewhere between Indian and Ethiopian, "this is Rosalina. She's new." Nick made a face, "who switches schools this late into the school year?" he asked, "especially when they're a senior. You're that close to being done."

"Nick!" Mrs Silva said, giving him a stern look, "treat this young lady with respect. You don't know why she chose to come here, and even if you did know, it's not of your concern. Rosalina, you can sit in the seat in front of Aubrey." I raised my hand a little bit so that Rosalina knew who I was. I wasn't too fond of new people because new people typically ruined shit, but I was once the "new girl" myself, so I figured that I should at least give Rosalina the benefit of the doubt first.

"Hi" Rosalina said, turning around to face me. I opened my mouth to say hi back, but before I could, Nova spoke. "Hi" she said rather loudly, "my name is Nova, I'm eighteen and I'm the class President. How are you? Tell us about yourself." I turned to look at Nova, and in the process saw Nick looking at her in the same way. What the hell was good with her?

"Hi" Rosalina said, averting her eyes over to Nova, "nice to meet you Nova." Nova was smiling with her mouth closed, which meant her smile wasn't genuine because that was the smile that she'd give me whenever she and I were making bitchy remarks to one another and she was trying to keep her composure.

"Anyways" May said, "I'm Maeve, but you can call me May. I'm Nova's sidekick with this class President shit, a better term for Vice President. Nice to meet you." As Rosalina nodded and shook May's hand, I took a quick look back at Nova was was plainly staring at Rosalina, without even blinking. I mean, I knew Nova was in a bad mood, but at this point it really seems like she took some crazy pills.

I figured that since May was Nova's sidekick, Rosalina could be mine! I mean, I wasn't gonna say it right then and there because Nova already looked like she was one "wrong choice of words" away from having a mental breakdown, and if I did say it right here, it would be like foiling my plans.



"Are you good?" Nick asked me as I practically threw myself into my seat as we got into second period.

"Dandy" I said. "Just freaking dandy."

"You look pissed" Jason said looking at me, and Nick nodded. "Pissed as fuck" he added, "are you sure you're good?" I snapped my head at Nick in annoyance. "You know what I think Nick?" I asked with that hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"What?" Nick asked innocently, and I smiled. "I think you keep asking me if I'm good because you know why I'm not" I said as I proceeded to fold my arms. Jason looked at Nick in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked, and I stared at him blankly, trying to control the jumbled cable cord of emotions in my head. "You know what I'm talking about" I said calmly. "You and your stupid drinks." Suddenly, Jason made a face.

"Do you know too?" I asked angrily as I looked at Jason. "Uh, I don't know?" Jason asked, obviously not knowing what to answer with. "No?"

I clicked my jaw, stiffened my folded arms, and looked straight ahead. "What's wrong with the drinks?" Nick asked, playing dumb. "You know what's wrong with them!" I hissed, "so stop playing dumb." Nick shook his head, "I don't."

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