28 | Passive Aggressive

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It was scary to me that the school year was still kind of in its beginning stage, yet so much has happened since we all came. Nick and I were better, but it was probably only because he now knows that I'm not scared to break up with him, and that I think he's batshit crazy.

We had began going to couples therapy, which Nick decided he'd pay for entirely, but I think it's a waste of money. I don't express my feelings much because I mean, what is there really to talk about? Nick danced with a girl, I didn't want any part, he tried to kill himself, he tried to kill me, then we ended up here somehow.

My birthday was also coming up, so I was trying to focus on that a little bit. Nick decided he'd give me driving lessons as a gift to turning eighteen, which I thought was pretty nice of him. As bad as it sounds, I may just stay with Nick for these next couple of months because it means I get all these cool gifts and opportunities.

I also made a new friend, her name is Hailey. Hailey Gardner. She didn't have any classes with me, I kind of just looked at people walking alone in the halls and weeded her out. Hailey is a junior, white skinned, and seemed a little shy, but I was sure that we could make it work. I was willing to, anyways.


Jason and I sat in my living room, planning ideas for us two to get more in tune with one another. I wasn't a big fan of forcing relationships to work, but Jason insisted it wasn't like that, even though it kind of was. I felt that Jason and I weren't as compatible as I had thought, but with all that's gone on, I don't think anybody else would even wanna deal with me anyways.

Jason had threatened his ex with a restraining order, so I assume she wasn't gonna come around any time soon. I appreciated him going lengths to make me happy, but I was still a little insecure about it all. At this point in time, I should've been getting ready to drag Nova through the mud, and claim my crown.

Speaking of Nova, I couldn't shake off what she had said about Nick, and I worried about her. I'm sure if it really was that serious, some type of authority or even adult figure would be involved, but I still worried. Sometimes people don't help until it's too late.

"Hey" I said to Jason, without thinking. "Would you consider somebody threatening to kill themself because you broke up with them, toxic?"

Jason looked at me with a confused look, "why?" he asked, "are you planning on leaving me?"

I shook my head, and truthfully I didn't even understand why I said that aloud. I wasn't thinking.

"No" I sighed, "I just know somebody else who that had happened to, that's all."

Jason looked at me, as if he was debating whether or not he truly wanted to know. "Do I know them?" he finally asked, and I shrugged, but it was an awkward shrug, so it was a dead giveaway that he did.

"Wait" Jason said suddenly, "is that happening to Nova and Nick?"

I was a bad liar, because my whole life I've gotten away with shit even if I was guilty as hell (except for when I got expelled), so I never really needed to lie. I bit my lip in mental panic, and shrugged once more.

"I don't know" I blurted, "I don't think so."

"Wow, you're a terrible liar" Jason said, folding his arms. "How do you know that happened?"

I tried to think of a way to tell Jason without it seeming that I spend private time with Nova, because he'll assume the worst. I also feared he would confront Nick, who would tell Jason that he caught Nova and I here at my home not too long ago.

"Did you overhear it?" Jason asked after a moment of no response on my part had passed.

I nodded, "yeah" I said, "something like that."

Technically that wasn't a lie, because it was a conversation between Nova and the social worker, and I just happened to be there.

"So, tell me what you know" Jason continued, which I knew was a trap, but he was without a doubt gonna tell Nick regardless at this point, so I gave in.

"Nova said Nick cheated on her apparently, and she had video proof. So, she broke up with him, but once she did, he came to her house, and started acting like a loony." Jason didn't really seem to have any type of reaction to what I said.

"Loony, like saying he was gonna off himself?" Jason asked, and I shook my head.

"I mean yeah" I began, "but it was more than that. He cornered Nova in a room and held a knife to her throat. First he threatened to take his life, then he threatened to take them both." Jason's mouth dropped.

"I know it doesn't sound realistic but I don't think Nova's lying Jason" I continued, "when they're in class, Nick is a passive aggressive calm type of controlling over Nova. He's subtle and sweet about it but still does it."

Jason nodded, "the other day, Nova asked to go somewhere. When she left, Nick made me text you to see where you were. I believe you."

"Damn" I thought you myself, "what's Nick's deal?"

Jason looked into the distance as I played with my fingers. "I know you probably don't want to" he began, "but we need to say something to somebody before it gets bad Aubrey. Better safe than sorry."

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