25 | Attempted Murder-Suicide

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"Where the fuck is Nova?" I asked my teammate, Wilson, as I looked around the room of people. Nova was somewhat shy and reserved, so she definitely wouldn't come to my party and ignore me or something. It was clear that she just didn't show up.

Wilson laughed, "that girl is a pimp bro" he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, annoyed. It was probably best that I keep my Nova and Aubrey drama to myself, but I did tell a few people.

"What I mean is she's not here cause she's probably getting her ass ate by the woman herself, Aubrey Bryant" Wilson responded, still laughing.

"I doubt that" I replied, "Aubrey's here."

Wilson shook his head, "no she ain't. I checked out every female in this joint. Aubrey and your girl seem to be the only ones missing." I could feel my heartbeat pick up, I was practically on the verge of losing my mind with this Nova and Aubrey bullshit.


Jason decided to ditch Nick's party to spend the night at my house. I had convinced him not to go because I was kind of scared that Nick would rat me out to him again, and I didn't want that. I'm sure that the party was boring anyways.


In a quick yet dramatic turn of events, I walked over to my ex Nadia. She was a freak and had little to no morals, so I knew it wouldn't be hard to get her to do some shit with me. I didn't even know what I was aiming for, but I do know that I've officially lost my cool and finally wanted to get back at Nova, who was cheating on me yet again.

"Hi!" Nadia said as she watched me approach her, but I didn't reply. Instead, I placed my lips on hers, and like I expected, she got the message. I could hear a gasp or two around so I knew people were watching. Oh well, maybe this will show Nova that I'm serious about her bullshit.

"Wanna dance?" I asked, and Nadia nodded.

"It's not a slow dance type of song though" she said, "so like, what type of dancing are we doing?"

I laughed, "I think you know what type of dancing we're doing."

She smirked, "alright, let's get to the living room."


I woke up, not even knowing what was going on. I rubbed my eyes for a second before checking my phone. "Oh no!" I exclaimed as I saw the time, and saw that I had nearly thirty missed calls and texts from Nick. "I'm so fucked" I groaned, resting my hand on my temple. "So, so, fucked."

Instead of texting Nick back right away, I decided to go look on social media. Nick's party was most likely over by now, so I figured I'd just see what I missed. I had majority of the kids at our school as friends online anyways, so I just scrolled through my feed for a good minute.

It seemed fun! There were drinks, the football team did some crowd surfing, and there was a limbo competition. I liked what I saw, until I didn't.

I literally gasped. Some girl who I personally didn't know, but must've added, posted a video of a caramel colored girl dancing on Nick. I screen recorded the video before it was possibly deleted.

I could feel my nerves in my stomach and wrist literally pumping. "What the hell" I thought aloud as my whole body practically began to shake. "He was gonna bring me to that party, and cheat on me right in my face?"

I looked through my photos and looked for a pic from a time that I felt I looked pretty. I posted it, and added a caption that read "single." It was petty of me to do that, but my feelings were hurt, bad.

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