81 | Graduation

99 65 2

May 31st, 2022


I sat in a seat with my name on it, kinda excited and kinda bummed. Everybody had received four tickets for people they could invite, and I was left with three free tickets to give out because I didn't have anybody other than Hailey. While everybody was gonna have someone cheering them on loudly whilst yelling "that's my baby", I was gonna have a smile and my picture taken. That's not Hailey's fault though.

My hair was simple, all I did was straighten it. As for makeup, I didn't do much in that department either. I put a dark red shaded matte gloss on my lips and some volumizer thingy on my eyelashes. That was literally it.

It scared me when I thought of all that was happening this week, down to the nitty-gritty. Tomorrow, I'd be a married woman. And all I could do is hope that my classmates did their part in their role for Aubrey and I's wedding. Especially Matt, since he was the one marrying us.

I looked ahead up Aubrey's row and saw that Aubrey looked much more relaxed than I did. She was talking casually to the person next to her, with one leg folded on the other. Her hair was put into some body waves, which I helped with, and she had false lashes and lipstick on. Little to no makeup, just like me.

The girls were wearing white gowns while the guys were wearing black. I thought it was cool that our school distinguished itself in that manner because most schools didn't.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the principal said, quieting all of us. I took the moment to reminisce on all the memories I made in just this one year at Norwood, I made more friends, had more boyfriends, and did a lot more shit than I've done in my other three years combined. It made me wonder how different my high school experience would've been had I spent all four years here at Norwood.

My thoughts jumped from when Nick asked me out, to when I met Brynn, to Aubrey crying in the bathroom, to Aubrey and I's first kiss, to Nick threatening to kill me, to Lewis coming into my life, to May and I fighting, to Maddy and I's beef, to Matt's gift, to the strip club, to my mom, to Nick and I falling apart for good, to prom queen, and the senior sleepover.

"Wow" I whispered to myself as I looked down. "What a year."

"Aubrey Celine Bryant," the principal announced, regaining my attention. I smiled wide and clapped for my fiancée who quickly looked back at me. Thankfully I caught it in time, because I was able to give Aubrey a thumbs up.


"Nova Christine Milan," the principal (or assistant principal, I honestly didn't fucking know at this point) said, causing me and jump up in down and cheer for my friend in excitement. I had heard a few other names of people I knew like Aubrey, Rosalina, and Matt, but I was truly here for Nova.


It seemed like the name-calling was dragging on for like ever. I sighed, not even realizing that we were almost done.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Norwood high's class of twenty, twenty-two!" Chants exploded across the football field, and I sighed yet again, but this time it was a sigh of relief. It was a bittersweet moment but I was more than thankful to finally be closing this chapter of my life. It was some rollercoaster.

Before I could, Aubrey made her way to me. We instantly intertwined fingers, but I accidentally let go when I saw Sophie and George holding hands.

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