Chapter Thirty-Five

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Rita gasped while she gently nudged flustered Sharlene's shoulder.


The only word she could think of and which earned her a glare from her best friend, Sharlene squeezed the teddy bear tighter to her bosom.

Satisfied with her response, Nick moved towards his vehicle and quickly got into the driver seat.

Watching the Cunning-ham family beyond the windshield, he drove out of the neighborhood with his entourage quickly following.

As soon the last of the vehicles had left, the neighbors went on their merry way, back into their houses or in their backyard gardens, yet they were still puzzled by the sudden rich visitor and his entourage.

They had watched the interaction between the newly moved-in family and rich young man. It had appeared he was dating the youngest daughter.

"Aren't our neighbors a little too nosy around here?"

AJ muttered while walking back towards the recently cut front yard with his phone in hand. He had taken many pictures with one of the bodyguards' permission, of course, of the vehicles. No doubt, he was going to boast to his new friends about his future brother-in-law's wealth.

"They are humans, AJ. Humans are always curious about other people's business."

Clarice spoke in a matter-of-fact tone while rolling her eyes.

"But that's the least of the matter. Sharlene, care to tell us where you have been?"

Rita inputted with a smile in Sharlene's direction.

"Yeah. Where have you been? Were you on a date with your future husband?"

With a teasing smile on his face, AJ shielded the sunlight with one hand over the phone screen to see the pictures better. Holding the teddy bear underneath her arm, Sharlene hurriedly denied his claim, yet the blush on her face gave her away.

"It was not a date."

AJ hummed.

"Why did he bring you home if it was not a date? Where is your precious car then?"

Pursing her lips, Sharlene repeated with conviction.

"My car is still at the company building, which someone will deliver to me later. And as I said before, it was not a date. We coincidentally meet at the company. He invited me out to chat after the meeting. And he brought me home because he has to travel to another country later."

"It still sounds like a date to me because you are blushing."

Muttering, AJ furiously began to type on his phone, most likely adding the pictures to his Instagram.

Gasping as she placed a hand on her cheek, Sharlene desperately tried to deny the fact.

"I am not blushing. This redness is from the sunlight. It is too hot." Quickly, she added with a nervous laugh.

"Maybe we should go inside?"

Not waiting for anyone's reply, she sped walked towards the door. As if sensing her escape, Rita quickly latched to her side like an octopus. Helena, Clarice, and chuckling AJ soon followed.

"Whether it was a date or not, how did it go, Shar? Is he like the rumors say he is? Is he gentle? No, do not answer that third question because we could see he was very gentle with you. What about his likes and dislikes? Oh my. Is he as handsome as they said he is up close?"

Glowing, Rita undoubtedly fired question after question in her direction. Her blush intensified as she answered her questions as best as she could.

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