Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four

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Suddenly, the door flew open, and Evelyn came into view.

"Oh my."

She called out in surprise. Victor was the first to glance in her direction, his smile threatening to split his face in half. Nick shook his head as he witnessed his father's spellbound face before looking in his mother's direction. Unlike her humble age of 53, Evelyn dressed as elegant as always, her sense of fashion inspired by years of outstanding ideas.


Victor whispered, his lips forming an arch. He was thrilled when he saw his beautiful wife standing with an awed expression on her face. Ah, what a fool in love he was.

"I was going to knock and fetch you from your prison, Victor, but when I heard Nick's voice, I let myself in, and I am glad I did. What a beautiful sight you two make. Can I join in too?"

Evelyn's ramble ended in a joyous squeal, tears pricking her eyes because of her faint heart.

Smiling, Nick complied. Removing an arm from around his father, he accepted her offer with literal open arms.

"Of course, you can, mom."

Squealing, Evelyn rushed into his side. As a mama's boy, she had missed Nick's hugs and kisses, which were as rare as meteor showers.

"I do not know why you are home so early and hugging your father, but I am glad for both."

Mumbling, after bestowing a kiss on Nick and Victor's forehead, Evelyn was ecstatic.

"I love you, mom and dad."

Nick suddenly confessed, his heart bursting with joy.

Glancing at each other with obviously shocked faces, Evelyn and Victor shared a private message with their eyes, though they had fixed a smile on their faces.

It appeared their son had a wonderful day today to be accepting their hugs and kissing, and even saying he loved them so freely. They were curious but held their tongues. They were both knowledgeable of Nick's easily flustered person and coyly answered.

"We love you too, son."

On the other hand, Nick's thoughts trailed to Sharlene as he gazed at his parents.

'Will we ever share and have the same love and appreciation as my parents?'

He wished that would be possible. It could be reality. With determination, he sought to have that unfailing love with her.

The door left wide open invited two other people who had followed his mother's wake. It was his grandparents. They had just arrived from their outing but wanted to visit their son, who got imprisoned for the entire day.

Upon entry, they were blown away by the display of affection in front of them.

"Oh my. Will you look at that? I am glad we came home earlier after all, Tyrone. You do not see this every day."

Bianca Ross commented, her rich Spanish accent accentuating her words, as she patted Tyrone's hand in excitement. Known as the Spanish Heiress from birth, Bianca was beautiful though she had recently turned 75. With an elegant smile adorning her face, she gently tapped Tyrone's hand once more, who nodded with emphasis at her words. Breaking away from the hug, Nick greeted his grandparents—his grandmother being the first he approached.

He had not been able to meet them face-to-face ever since he arrived because of his busy schedule. Their constant absence from home was another reason. Bianca and Tyrone were free-spirited individuals and even more so, as they had no other responsibilities hindering them. As retired citizens, they enjoyed the wonders of life.

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