Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

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They were like statues standing a short distance away from the front desk clerks, who were busy assisting guests but curiously peering in their direction.

And they were not the only ones.

Everyone in the lobby was curious about the oddly dressed man standing in front of her, including the secretary guards standing at different angles in the hall.

Sharlene saw the man's lips arch in a half-smirk and half-smile.

'Was he laughing at me? She thought, but his response to her earlier question brought her attention back to him.

"It's me, Nick."

She raised an eyebrow, her expression displaying on her face speaking the words, 'I don't believe you, but let me inspect further.'

Giving the man another thorough scrutinization, Sharlene was still in doubt, but she could not deny the similarities between the man and Nick. They had the same voice, built, and face. Excluding the odd features that is his hair and eyes color, he could confidently pass as Nick.

Suddenly, a great commotion occurred in front of the hotel doors.

It was a decent crowd of paparazzi trying to force themselves into the lobby while shamelessly shouting, 'Mr. Ross' as if the man would appear from thin air in front of them. The security guards on standby quickly rushed to dispel the disturbance, but one remained lingering, a safe distance away from Sharlene and the man. He was suspicious of the oddly dressed individual near her.

"I can't believe they got my location faster than I expected."

Nick murmured, clearly irritated, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the media leaches fighting against the security guard's firm instructions.

Sharlene, who had turned to look at the rowdy bunch, was astonished, and she was no longer doubtful in the man's identity.

That was because one of Nick's recognizable bodyguards, who she never learned the name of, appeared from another door and briskly walked towards them.

With a slight bow of recognition in her direction, he turned towards Nick and whispered into his ears.

The frown on her face quickly turned into a vibrant smile, and she released the tight hold on her purse. Remembering her reaction a few minutes ago, she blushed in embarrassment. How could she not recognize Nick earlier? She kept forgetting he was an important figure in society.

Mentally, she facepalmed and reprimanded herself.

'You silly, silly girl.'

Over and over and over again, she shook her head because of her silliness. In the end, she could not help but laugh out loud but quickly placed her hands above her mouth when she remembered where she was standing.

Nick, who had briefly given his bodyguard a command and sent him on his merry way, turned to look at her and could not help but chuckle.

That was because her cheeks were a rosy red while her eyes were darting all around the room.

"I scared you, didn't I?"

He asked out of the concern and also weariness.

When Nick re-entered the lobby earlier, the first thing his eyes settled on was Sharlene. There was nothing else that had caught his attention. She was stunning. And her slight irritation of his tardiness had made him smile to himself. Hearing her mumbling as he approached from behind had prompted him to speak up and had landed him in a terrible misunderstanding.

Her eyes had reflected, 'if you dare move another muscle towards me, you will not live to see tomorrow.' It had at first startled him, then made laughter tumble inside his chest. She looked like a cat who was yet to release her claws on her predator. It was cute and terrifying at the same time and made him proud inside to know she could handle herself quite well in difficult situations.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now