Chapter Seventy-Five

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"Aha! I got you!"

Barking with laughter, Rita joyously clapped.

"So you finally admit it?"

She teased, her eyes shining with glee.

Blushing beet red, Sharlene grumbled as she returned to flipping through the magazine.

"What is there to admit?"

Lightly bouncing her shoulder with hers, Rita grinned from ear to ear and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Your affection for your future husband."

Rolling her eyes, Sharlene cleared her throat.

"Let's just pretend I never said that and concentrate on these many magazines you have brought over, please."

"Aw. So cute."

As Rita cooed, she patted her blushing cheeks.

Brushing her hands away, Sharlene took and opened another magazine.

"Stop being annoying and focus. What about this dress?"

Pulling her hand away with a smile, Rita moved her eyes to stare at the wedding dress she was pointing on the page.

Pursing her lips, as she scrutinized it from top to bottom, she hummed with a hand underneath her chin before glancing in her direction.

"You know, if you do not tell Timmy that he is wasting his efforts and his one-sided love, someone might get jealous."

She commented while completely ignoring the picture in the book. Glancing at the ceiling after placing the book on her lap, Sharlene spoke as if she was muttering a chant.

"Rita Choon-Hee Kim, can we please concentrate here?"

Flinching, for she had mentioned her middle name, and when Sharlene mention her middle name, it meant business, Rita lifted her hands in mock surrender.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. I will. I will concentrate. I think."

Happy with her cooperation, Sharlene smiled.

"It's not, I think, but you will. Now tell me your opinion on the dress."

Humming once more, Rita expressed with a shake of her head.

"I don't think it is my taste."


Sharlene asked as she heard the most obnoxious thing while averting her eyes back onto the dress.

"What's wrong with it? It looks fine to me."

Looking at her as if she had grown two heads, Rita scoffed.

"The dress is rags stitched together to form an entire piece. It just looks fine. Not beautiful or sophisticated. You know I love fashion."

"To a certain degree."

Sharlene said behind a cough.

"I heard that."

With a pointed glare, Rita mused before continuing.

"Anyway, the dress does not look, you know, like me. Especially that horrendous v-neck. Who would wear this for their wedding?"

She said with scrunched-up eyebrows as if she had just seen something disgusting.

"Ah, this model right there."

Sharlene smartly remarked as she pointed at the beautiful model in the corner of the page.

The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the ShrewWhere stories live. Discover now