Chapter Eighty-Eight

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"Her doll dress also got ripped by a nail. She told me that it happened because she fell."

Sharlene added, and Nisa gasped as she gazed at the doll Angel was gripping in her left hand even if she was fast asleep.

"Oh no, and that was her favorite doll dress too."

She tsked.

"I promised her Riana would stitch it up for her."

Scoffing, Riana rolled her eyes.

"I cannot sew even to save my life."

Sharlene gazed at her with raised eyebrows.


"Yes, unfortunately."

She begrudgingly said with a wince, as if she had just remembered a pitiful memory.

"Did you never try?"

"I did, and my ten fingers hated me for it."

Laughing, as she caught onto her demise, Sharlene's entire face brightened.

"Did you puncture all your fingers with the needle?"

"That and the middle of my hand."

"What were you trying to sew?"

Coughing with flaming cheeks of embarrassment, Riana sighed.

"A small handkerchief."

"And her brother's bow tie, which had gotten ripped by a nail when she was five."

Nisa added with a smile.

"It was a disaster. I remembered she came crying from the room she had disappeared for hours trying to sew the two fabrics, but unfortunately, she did not have the talent like Evie. In the end, she ran screaming with her ten fingers in the air: 'Mummy, mummy, I am bleeding to death.' Over and over again, she screamed, until Evie had to console her and bandage all her fingers."

Helena and Sharlene laughed while Riana grumbled.

"Mum told me never take up sewing again because it could turn fatal."

"Fatal indeed."

Nisa said with a brisk nod.

"So that's why you love being a mechanic."

Sobering up after her hearty laugh, Sharlene was genuinely interested in Riana's career choice.

"Yes. Though it is sometimes risky."

"Always risky."

Nisa pointed out, and Riana ignored her by rolling her eyes.

"As I was saying, it is better than getting your fingers punctured with a thin needle."

"I suppose. It is always better to do what you love, especially when you have the talent for it than what you don't like and can never do."

Helena said, and Riana smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cunning-ham."

"Anyway, I think it is time I did my work as your assigned gynecologist, Shar."

Nisa gingerly changed the topic, her eyes brightening.

"Nana, are you going home now? I remembered you told me Evie needs help with something at home."

Riana, while pulling her phone from her purse, when it had vibrated, quickly replied as if she was waiting for Nisa to ask her the question.

"No. I called and informed mom about staying with Shar since I wanted to get to know her better and maybe see my future niece or nephew."

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