Chapter Eight

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I sat frozen to my seat as I watched him walk away from me. 

I'd never experienced such rudeness in all my life. What kind of person walks away from someone after they propose an innocent friendship with them?

Pressing my lips tightly together, I dug my clenched fists down onto the table in anger. Well, he is an idiot if he thought I would give up. 

I was a stubborn ass-bitch, and if I wanted something, I was going to get it. And what I wanted right now was for Nathan Woods to see me as a friend.

Feeling a spark of determination run through my veins, I grabbed my bag, stood up, and made quick steps to catch up with Nathan, who was already out of the door. 

 "Oi Nathan," I yelled. 

He stiffened slightly when I called his name, but then he shook his head and started to walk even faster. 

This rude ass bitch...

I let out a heavy sigh, knowing I was going to have to embarrass myself a little bit. Then I did the most desperate thing a girl could do and chased after him. 

Yes, you heard me right. I chased after him. I was literally chasing a guy.

With a few long strides, I finally managed to make it to him, and I slowed down to a walking pace beside him. 

Nathan looked quite annoyed but didn't bother walking any faster. Instead, he just kept in stride with me while keeping his gaze determinedly focused on the path ahead of him.

 I stuffed my hands in my jean pockets in an attempt to try and give off a nonchalant vibe. "So...," I drawled. "I'm presuming you're on your way to the lecture, so I figured we might as well walk together," I shrugged as I snuck a glance his way.

He continued to ignore me and kept walking through the courtyard with a scowl on his face. 

I cleared my throat. "That essay last week was a real nightmare, wasn't it?" I asked in an attempt to spark up another conversation. 

More silence ensued. 

I continued with a laugh. "I stayed up like half the night, getting all the research done. How long did it take you?" 

No response.

I kept my pace up and decided to keep going. "Did you-"

"Would you shut up already?" he snapped as he swerved his head my way. 

His outburst startled me for a couple of seconds, but for some reason, the look of irritation on his face made me let out an ugly snort. He looked all ugly and dumb when he was mad, it was kind of funny. 

"Why the fuck are you laughing for?" he scowled. 

"God, I'm sorry," I laughed as I tried to catch my breath. "It's so entertaining to watch your face squish up like that when you get all mad," I snorted. 

Nathan's lips pressed even tighter together. "Oh, fuck off, would you?" he snapped before storming away and continuing on his path to the main building. 

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I laughed as I did a quick jog to catch up with him.

He ignored me and threw open the doors of the building before marching his way to the doors to our lecture room. 

I playfully nudged his shoulder. "So, bestie, what's your preferred seat of choice, the front or the back?" I asked with a chipper smile.

 He sighed. "I'm not your bestie. Don't talk to me," he spat rudely without even bothering to turn in my direction.

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