Chapter Sixty-Six

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"Are you ready to show your sexy new outfit off to Nathan?" Brandon asked as he wiggled his eyebrows over dramatically. 

 I let out a breath of a laugh and looked down at my short black playsuit and heels. "Have you forgotten a small little detail? Like I don't know how he hates me with every fibre of his soul? I highly doubt he'll give two shits about my outfit," I scoffed. 

Brandon snickered and continued climbing up the stairs alongside me. One of Brandon's friends was hosting a party in his fifth-floor flat and because of my ever-present fear of elevators, we were going through the torturous process of climbing up a mountain of stairs.

Brandon shot me a glance. "Yeah, well, I'm not too convinced. Someone who 'hates you with every fibre of their soul' wouldn't stick his tongue down your throat in the library now, would they?" he commented slyly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, like I told you he didn't do that to be romantic. He did it because he wanted me to feel like some kind of cheap worthless whore," I muttered bitterly as we ascended up the last few steps.

"Hmm, sounds like he was looking for an excuse to kiss you to me," Brandon sang.

"Yeah, well, he wasn't," I said flatly.

Once we reached the correct level, we followed the vigorous thumping sound of the music to the appropriate door. 

As Brandon pressed the doorbell, I turned to him. "Do you reckon he would have actually come?" I asked nervously.

The minute the words left my mouth, Brandon's lips pricked up into a smirk, and he rather poorly tried to stifle a laugh. "Trust me, he's going to come," he chuckled.

 I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Why do you sound so confident?"

"Because I sent a very interesting message to Nathan, and there's no way in hell he's going to ignore it," he snorted while sending a mischievous wink my way.

Before I could ask him what the hell he was on about or how he managed to get his number, the door swung open.

A rather drunk, brown-skinned boy with sleek black hair greeted us with a bright warm grin. "Brandon, you made it," he cheered out with a laugh. He quickly embraced Brandon in a hug and gave him a rather enthusiastic double thump on the back. 

"Yeah, good, to see you man," Brandon chuckled as he pulled away. "This is Sophie; she's my best friend slash roommate," he said as he nodded his head over to me.

The drunk guy dozily turned his attention to me. "Oh, she's pretty, isn't she?" he said as he gave me a rather poor attempt at a wink. I snorted, amused by his weird drunk behavior. 

"Well, Brandon, Sophie, Come on in. Let's get you a drink," he laughed as he pushed the door wider for us.

The music grew louder as we passed through the door, and the space opened up into a decently sized living area. There were a fair number of people all spread out through the apartment. Some people were carelessly dancing around to the music while others stood around mingling and laughing, and a fair few were dotted around the sofa's smoking, drinking, and taking shots.

The drunk guy quickly led us over to the food table and clumsily picked up two cans of beer before shoving them into each of our hands. "Enjoy, just shout if you need anything," he called out before wandering off to talk with some other party-goers.

As I turned back to face Brandon, some random dude wearing a sombrero grabbed his arm.

Don't ask me why he was wearing a sombrero...

How to Destroy a Rich BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon