Chapter Forty-Nine

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The faint sound of the ceiling fan oscillating overhead grew louder, and I let out a faint moan. Reluctantly, I moved a hand up to my eye and started to rub away any last remnants of sleep.

After another five or so seconds of selfishly appreciating how ridiculously comfortable the bed felt, I realized it was probably about time for me to be getting up. Slowly, I peeked open my eyelids.

Through my slightly blurred vision, I smiled as I took in my view. The curtains were a little astray, so I could see the lapping of the crest blue waves as they kissed against the shoreline.

I softly kicked the soft silk sheets away from my legs and slowly started to sit up. Or correction tried to sit up. Alarm immediately struck me as I realized I couldn't get up. Every time, I made a move to sit up, a heavy force seemed to be weighing me down.

Holy shit, was I paralyzed? Fuck, maybe it was a late effect of my fall off the horse...

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

As my mind was going absolutely haywire, I suddenly noticed something. I could feel warm, steady breaths brushing softly against the back of my neck and sensitive skin resting against the crook of my neck.

I instantly looked over my shoulder to see what was going on, and my heart nearly free-dived itself out of my chest when I took in the surprising sight behind me. 

Nathan had moved his head into the crest of my neck so that his lips were now brushed up loosely against the skin of my neck. His eyelids loosely concealed those beautiful eyes of his, and his face held an innocent boyish kind of look.


No, Sophie. No. Snap out of it. It's a trap. The evillest temptations hold the most beautiful faces.

My harsh internal monologue was lost when I saw him wrinkle his nose all cutely and squash his face even closer into my neck.

Okay, fuck it, he was cute, and I wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't.

Before I could internally coo at him for a fraction longer, I felt something soft move against my waist. I looked down at my waist in confusion, and I nearly choked when I noticed exactly where Nathan's hands had decided to lay rest. 

He had boldly dipped his hand underneath my top, so it was loosely skimming the bare skin underneath my breast.

Holy, shit.

My heart immediately ramped up to the speed of a full-blown sprint, and I felt like I couldn't remember how to breathe. How the hell had we ended up in this position? And worst of all, why the fuck did I like it?

I couldn't tell if it was that delicious smell of him messing with my mind, or how comfortable his body felt against my back. But shamefully, I found myself snuggling closer into him.

What? Don't judge me; he was comfy, okay.

Deciding to let him deal with the embarrassment of waking up and realizing what he did, I closed my eyes before trying my best to get back to sleep.

As my mind was on the cusp of drifting away again, I suddenly heard Nathan let out a long tired groan before turning in his sleep a little bit.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Pretend to be sleeping. Pretend to be asleep.

"God, what time is it," he muttered, his breath tickling the back of my neck. 

He let out another long sigh, then suddenly, every muscle in his body seemed to stiffen. Seconds later, he shot back and ripped himself away from me.

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