Chapter Eighteen

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Panting heavy, I sprinted my way across his living room. 

Barely hesitating for a second, I flung open the door to his apartment and charged my way over to the staircase. I'm not even sure why I was running for; there was no doubt about it – I was definitely going to jail.

 I knew Nathan. He was a cold-hearted bitch who would not hesitate for a second at the chance to throw me behind bars.

I heard the heavy fall of footsteps behind me, causing my heart rate to pick up even faster.

"Sophie, get back here!" Nathan yelled, some distance behind me. 

Did he think I was fucking stupid or something? There was no way I was stopping; I had dreams. Dreams that involved not being thrown in jail.

Finally, I propelled myself off the last step of the stairs before absolutely bolting it towards the main glass doors. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the receptionist lady following my movements with confusion.

As the automatic doors started to part, I was suddenly swooped off my feet as two long arms wrapped themselves around my waist. 

I didn't even need to look behind me to know who it was. Besides the fact he was the only one chasing me, only Nathan smelled that annoyingly good. 

 I breathed out a ragged breath as full panic started to kick in. "No, put me down, put me down. I deserve a lawyer, I deserve a phone call," I screamed out in some mad frenzy as I kicked about my dangling arms and legs like a banshee. 

Nathan let out a bitter laugh. "You have some nerve making demands right now after breaking into my fucking flat," he hissed in my ear as he started to drag me backward. 

"And you have some nerve, manhandling me," I yelled back in retaliation as I clawed at his hands.

 "Just be still already, we need to talk," he spat as he tightened his hold around my waist; and lifted me further off of the ground.

I knew what a talk meant; it meant getting his facts straight, so he knew what to say to the police.

"Excuse me," a shrill voice interrupted. 

 Nathan and I both froze and slowly turned our heads to the source of the voice. The same receptionist lady from before was staring straight at us.

 From the look of her furrowed brows and tilted head, it didn't look as though she knew what to make of our weird little brawl in the lobby.

 Without moving his hands, I felt Nathan straighten himself up behind me before clearing his throat. 

"Sorry, is there a problem?" Nathan asked casually as though wrestling people in the foyer was merely a part of his daily business. 

"I'm just confused what all the chaos is about, and why you're not wearing trousers," she replied as her eyes swooped down the length of Nathan's body and lingered in certain places for a worrying amount of time. 

In case I wasn't clear: his crotch - the weird lady was lingering at his crotch. 

"I'," he stuttered. I widened my eyes as a brilliant idea came to mind. "He's kidnap-"

Before I could get the full sentence out, Nathan slapped a hand over my mouth, muffling the end of my words. I had hoped that my sudden kidnapping accusation would shock him into releasing his hold, but the bastard's grip was firm. 

He laughed. "We're actually playing a kinky role-playing game, aren't we, Soph?" he asked as he twisted me in his hold. 

My eyes sprung open even wider, and if it weren't for his hand over my mouth, my jaw would have dropped all the way to the floor. He wanted me to pretend we were doing a sexual role play. 

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