Chapter Fourteen

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Finally breaking out of my shock, I turned to Nathan with a smile before letting out a long whistle. 

"Well, damn, you screwed up," I snickered.

Nathan's eyes narrowed in on me. "Yeah, no thanks to you. It was because of you that my date was ruined!"

I merely shrugged and lazily picked up a fry before popping it into my mouth. "Hey, it's not my fault you got jealous of the waiter...," I mumbled in between chews.

His lips tugged down into a frown. "I wasn't jealous! I was simply being a good person by standing up for your boyfriend," he explained in a huff. 

"Really?" I chuckled. 

"Yes, really," he threw back.

I raised my eyebrow up even higher; in an attempt to torment him. 

He let out a frustrated tut and crossed his arms. "You know what believe what you want; I don't need to convince the likes of you." 

His clear display of annoyance only made me laugh harder. I lazily rolled my eyes. "Calm your tits, Natalie; I was only joking," I muttered.

"Calm my tits? Who the fuck says that?" he said, recoiling back as though I had offended him.

 I blinked back at him. "I don't know. Perhaps, normal people who don't have sticks up their asses," I snorted as I lifted yet another fry into my mouth.

Nathan pressed his lips together tightly, likely for lack of a good response. As I happily, started to pig my way through my meal, Nathan stared at me with a still-like gaze as though he was imagining firing lasers over and over again through my head. 

After a solid five minutes of watching him alternate between nimbly picking at his food and glaring at me, I looked up at him with a sigh. 

"Are you seriously still mad at me? It wasn't even my fault," I protested. 

He scoffed. "Yes, it was your fault. You had to purposefully bump into me on the street, didn't you?"

I smirked. "Well, if you were so desperate for me to leave, then why didn't you let the waiter kick me out of the restaurant?" I probed. 

He observed me for a while before slowly breaking eye contact. 

"Well?" I urged when he still remained quiet. 

His head lifted abruptly. "Because I was stupid enough to feel bad for you, okay," he snapped.

 Silence filled the air as I stared back at him. Though getting him to take charity on me was an essential part of the plan, hearing the words out loud made me feel kind of small.

 And, well, pathetic.

Nathan leaned his head on his arms with a groan before starting to unenthusiastically pick at little pieces of his pasta. 

"I should have been getting laid tonight," he grumbled bitterly to himself. 

I let out an ugly snort. "Maybe this is god's way of telling you to chill-lax with the whole jumping into random girl's bed thing you've got going on."

His eyes narrowed. "Easy with the judgment, blondie. There's nothing wrong with having a fruitful sex life; it's not like I'm married or something?"

I snickered. "Well, it wouldn't be if you were clear with the girls you were sleeping with about your intentions. Poor, Lisa probably thought she had a shot at dating you," I exclaimed as I nodded my head back over to the door.

"Well, it's not my fault she can't read my signals," he shrugged.

 I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "You're hopeless," I cried. 

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