Chapter Seventeen

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I stood frozen in shock, feeling as though I could hardly even breathe. 

The sounds of keys hitting against a table followed by the sound of steady footsteps drawing closer instantly spurred me back to life.

  Shit! Shit! Shit! He was on the other side of the fucking door.

His deep voice rang throughout the quiet apartment air as he chatted mindlessly about something. I stressed myself to hear, and that's when I heard a shrill little giggle of laughter. 

Who the fuck was that?

As the footsteps grew louder, I frantically darted my head around as I tried to figure a way to sanctuary. In a final moment of panic, I threw myself down onto my hands and knees, and army crawled my way underneath his bed. The second I had dragged the last of me under, the door to his bedroom suddenly burst open.

 Two pairs of shoes immediately came into view, and I found myself holding my breath, scared that they somehow might be able to hear me. One shoe was a sleek-looking black sneaker, and the other, an elegant pair of peach kitten heels.

 I figured the former belonged to Nathan, but hey, I could be wrong.

"God, I'm beat," Nathan sighed as he kicked off his shoes.

 I then felt the bed suddenly dip, indicating he had thrown himself rather heavily down onto it. I felt more on edge, knowing he was directly on top of me. 

The girl he was with let out a cute little laugh. "Well, I'm not surprised. I'd be exhausted too if I jogged around the whole park. I'd kill to be as fit as you," she gushed, her voice filled to the brim with a sickening amount of admiration. 

I rolled my eyes, knowing Nathan's fat head was likely swelling to the size of a hot air balloon.

 Then I paused as I replayed her voice again inside my mind. I knew that voice. 

Oh my god, it was Lisa - the same girl from the restaurant who had wrongfully assumed I was his ex. What on earth was she doing here? I thought she hated Nathan. 

I hushed my thoughts and focused carefully on the conversation.

"Well, since I worked so hard today, I think it's about time I obtained a little treat," he drawled, his voice coming out overly smooth and gravelly. 

I wasn't sure whether to laugh at Nathan's attempt to be sexy or viciously proceed to dry heave onto the floor. I felt him give the bedsheet a firm double pat, silently indicating for her to come over.

She kicked off her heels with an excited little giggle, and I felt the bed dip again as she sat down gracefully beside him.

 Knowing I would probably be stuck in the position for a while, I rested my head down onto my crossed arms and started to pick absentmindedly at the lint on the sleeve of my jacket.

 Suddenly my heart stopped beating as a truly horrifying suspicion came to mind. 

Nathan - the biggest womanizer known to man, was alone in his bedroom with an incredibly hot girl. This led to one terrifying conclusion: He was about to fuck her. 

And that wasn't even the worse part; the worse part was that I'd be forced to lie underneath them and listen.

We all have those low moments in our lives, moments in which we fuck up; and wish for nothing less than death. Well, this was mine. 

I am not a girl who usually admits they made a mistake, but my decision to sneak into his apartment was a colossal one. And I mean, colossal! Perhaps even the worse mistake of my life.

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