Chapter Fifty-Four

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"So, Liam, is it? What made you decide to go out with my little sister?" Nathan asked as he turned Liam's way in fake intrigue.

 I let out a long groan and sunk lower down on the sofa. 

A while ago, Liam and I had found a quiet sofa together so we could talk. However, Nathan, being the absolute overconfident jackass he is, decided to wedge his butt right in between the two of us so we couldn't sit together. And if that wasn't bad enough, he had spent the last five minutes interrogating the shit out of Liam for his amusement.

Liam cleared his throat awkwardly, seeming a little uncomfortable. ", thought she was very pretty, so I thought why, not," he shrugged.

"Hmm, interesting, so you only care how pretty a girl looks?" Nathan questioned as he sent a sly look my way. I knew what he was doing, he was clearly trying to imply that Liam was a shitty person who was only after my body.

Liam's eyes widened in panic. "No, no, not at all. I-I also admired how confident she was, and how she-"

"And how good she'd probably be in bed?" Nathan offered in suggestion. 

"Yes!" Liam smiled. 

Then a look of horror crossed over his face as he realized what Nathan actually said. "Actually, no, no, no. I didn't mean that at all," he rambled out as he hurriedly tried to correct himself.

Not wanting to watch this train-wreck for any longer, I sat up and cleared my throat. "Nathan, can I talk to you alone for a second?" I asked abruptly.

Nathan turned my way, and I didn't miss the visible sparks of amusement in his eyes. "Why, yes, sister. I would very much enjoy a good old brother-sister talk with you," he spat out sarcastically. It didn't take an expert to figure out that he was less than impressed with his new title as my brother.

Quickly standing up, I smothered down my skirt before nodding my head in indication for him to follow me. I pushed my way through the various crowds of dancing people before finally making it to the double doors that led to the quiet outdoor area of the club.

Relieved to find the area empty, I immediately swung around to face Nathan. "What the fuck's your problem, Nathan?" I hissed.

"What the fuck's my problem?" he repeated with a laugh."Oh, I don't know, Sophie, maybe it has something to do with the fact that the girl I like told another guy I was her brother," he cried.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I had to say it, otherwise he would have got the wrong idea. He would have thought we were dating," I stammered out frustratedly.

"Well, maybe that's exactly what I want. Maybe I want him to get the wrong idea," Nathan said as he took a step closer to me. Since we were already pretty much chest to chest, I took a cautious step back, not trusting myself to be too close to him.

"Maybe I want him to think you're taken," he whispered as he took yet another step closer to me. This time as I took one back, I jumped as I felt the back of my legs hit the edge of a coffee table.

"," I stuttered out stupidly, feeling incredibly flustered with him so close. Nathan chuckled lowly, his eyes alight with devious intentions.

Then without warning, Nathan hooked an arm around my waist before hoisting me up onto the table. A gasp escaped my lips from the shock of the situation. Then with little resistance from me. Okay, fine, with no resistance from me; he gently parted my legs and wedged himself in between them.

 I swallowed nervously and ignored the very distracting feeling of him drawing smooth little circles over the skin at the edge of my skirt. "N-Nathan, I-I'm supposed to be on a date," I whispered shakily.

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