Chapter Fifty

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It was official. I was done playing fucked up games with Nathan's heart, and I was going to remove myself from his life for good.

But first, I had to say goodbye...

As selfish as it might seem, I couldn't leave just like that. I needed to see him smile one more time, I needed to call him Natalie one more time, and lastly, I needed to look at those eyes of his. Just one more time.

With a deep breath, I made my way up the spiral staircase on the top floor. It had been two hours since Nathan had supposedly gone for his shower, but he still hadn't come down for breakfast. When I asked his dad where he might be, he told me he had likely gone up to the rooftop. So, that's where I was heading now. I was going to share one last conversation with him, say goodbye, and then leave.

Once I reached the top of the stairs, I softly pushed open the door and slowly trailed my way out onto the rooftop. The bright light of the morning sun instantly hit my eyes, and I squinted a little to help me see better. As my visual cleared, I saw him; Nathan.

He was sat on one of the sofas near the edge of the rooftop and was lazily looking out at the view of the beach. I made my way slowly over to him, and once I was close, I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He turned his head, and his eyes lit up with surprise as he drunk me in, scanning me from head to toe. His lips tugged up. "Wow, too lazy to even get dressed?" he teased.

 I looked down and blushed, realizing I was still wearing my mini red pajama set and shawl. "Obviously, I'm lazy," I joked.

 After a couple seconds of the two of us awkwardly staring at each other, I cleared my throat. "Mind if I sit?" I asked softly.

He nodded his head and smiled faintly. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind at all," he said, shuffling a little to the side.

I took a seat beside him and stared aimlessly out towards the sea. Pathetically, I was scared to say anything because I knew the quicker I started the conversation, the quicker it would end. Finally, plucking up enough courage, I glanced his way.

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked curiously. After his horrific nightmare last night, the question had been playing on my mind all morning. It was depressing that I was the cause of his nightmares and provided yet another reason why I should leave his life.

"Yeah, quite good, actually. After I went to bed with you, it was probably one of the best sleep I've had in a long while," he said with an honest look in his eyes. "So, thanks for that," he smiled as his eyes flickered back and forth between mine.

Unable to handle his gaze, I looked down to my lap in embarrassment and plucked at the end of my shirt. "I'm not sure why you're thanking me. I think you had a good sleep despite me," I laughed.

As I looked up at him, I found his eyes set on mine. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I had a good sleep because of you. Trust me."

Wanting to shift the conversation away from the topic of us sleeping beside one another, I cleared my throat. "So, why are you out here and not down at breakfast? Avoiding me, perhaps?" I teased.

A faint smile played on his lips, and he softly shook his head once more. "No, of course not. I actually came out here to give you some space. I figured I must be driving you crazy with all my constant smothering. I won't let you eat alone, I won't let you sleep alone, for fucks sake, I can't even seem to let you shower alone. I'm pathetic," he snickered, despite the fact, there was little to no amusement in his tone.

I nudged his shoulder comfortingly. "Hey, don't feel bad, and you've always been a little bit annoying, so don't let this get you down," I said with a playful smile.

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