Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Xavier stretched tall and raised his little hand. "Nathan, can I ask you a question?" he asked boldly.

 I let out a heavy sigh, knowing that whatever he was going to say, couldn't be good. 

"Stop harassing Nathan, Bubs, and eat your chips like a good boy," I scolded as I pushed his happy meal box closer to him.

It was the next day, and Nathan, the twins, and I were currently at our local shopping centre's McDonalds. I figured going to town with them would be a nice welcome back treat and would hopefully give my dad a couple of hours to relax.

But unfortunately for me, Xavier wasn't so keen on relaxing and seemed far too interested in quizzing the life out of Nathan. So far, he had asked Nathan, 'If he liked cheese' and 'if he knew any superheroes.'

Yeah, I wasn't sure where these questions were coming from either...

"Don't worry, I don't mind another question. Ask away, buddy?" Nathan said as he smiled down at Xavier fondly.

"Why did you sleep on the sofa last night?" Xavier asked slowly, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. 

Nathan chuckled. "That's because there wasn't a bed for me, so your daddy was kind enough to offer me your sofa instead," he explained softly. 

I looked down to the table in embarrassment, feeling guilty that he had to sleep there last night. When I had stayed over at his, he had offered me a bedroom worthy of a palace while I, on the other hand, couldn't offer him something as simple as a bed.

Xavier's face grew even further confused. "Why didn't you sleep in Sophie's bed? Mummy and daddy sleep in the same bed?" he piped up.

Instantly, I felt my cheeks start to burn, and I sunk down into my chair in embarrassment.

Nathan didn't seem nearly as embarrassed as me and instead shot me an amused look before turning back to the boys. "I would have, but Sophie wouldn't let me. She's a bit mean to me," Nathan said with fake sadness as he stuck out his bottom lip.

Calumn gasped loudly and pointed an accusing finger at me. "Sophie, stop being mean to Nathan!" he yelled out with a pout.

"Yeah! You always tell us to share! You're a hyp-er-crote!" Xavier yelled out angrily.

I widened my eyes in shock, not expecting them to suddenly turn on me. I caught Nathan's eye and was pissed to find him biting his lip as though he was containing in the urge to laugh.

The bastard had turned my own brothers against me...

I opened my mouth, then closed it, not really knowing what to say to stand up for myself. Nathan snorted and finally came to my rescue. "Guys, it's alright Sophie wasn't being mean, I was only teasing her," he explained.

Despite Nathan's assurance, I still felt two little pairs of eyes narrowing in on me as I finished eating the rest of my hamburger.

How the hell had he earned their loyalty after one fucking day?

As we quietly got on with eating the rest of our food, Xavier decided to ruin it by raising his hand once more. "Nathan, ooo, ooo, I've got another question?" he asked, looking so eager that I wouldn't be surprised if he wet himself.

"Yes, Xavier?" Nathan chuckled.

"When Sophie was on top of you-" Xavier started.

Oh god...

I quickly leaped to end the conversation. "Hey, I..erm don't think this is a good topic, maybe we should move on to something else and-"

"No, no, Sophie, let the boy talk," Nathan said, looking at me with an evil glint in his eyes. 

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