Chapter Seventy

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A chill breeze brushed past my cheek as I trod through the snow, and once again, I let out an involuntary shiver. I shoved my hands even deeper into my pocket and let out a heavy sigh. It was a freezing late-February afternoon, yet for some reason, I had let Nathan bully me into going on a walk through the city park.

Two weeks had passed since my mother's funeral, and it had been two weeks since I had moved in with Nathan. And though most days, my emotions hit me roughly, Nathan always seemed to find one way or another to make it better. Whether it was cheering me up with a movie marathon or holding me while I cried. Sometimes, he would listen to me talk, and it was nice to let out how I was feeling.

At one point, he even offered for me to share his bed, but I had denied it, not wanting to take advantage of his kindness. Though he denied it, a nagging feeling kept reminding me that he was probably doing this out of pity. 

But even if he was, it was undeniable that over the last couple of days, the weight of the depressive thoughts were starting to fade a little and I was starting to feel a little more like myself. More hopeful, and happier again. I knew the pain of losing her would never fully leave me, but it was a start to the feeling of acceptance that I needed.

I was pulled out from my thoughts as another shiver ran down my spine. Nathan must have heard me because he chuckled and spared a glance my way. 

"I told you to wear a scarf and gloves," he gloated as he sent one of those annoying smug looks my way. 

 With spite-filled eyes, I looked him and his stupid over-sized coat-self up and down in distaste. "Yeah, well, eat a dick," I huffed.

His stupid lips tugged up into a smirk. "You first," he snorted. I rolled my eyes at him, despite the fact I found it kind of funny. People who made me feel cold didn't deserve to have people laugh at their jokes.

I cocked an amused eyebrow up at him. "So, is there a particular reason you've decided to torture me into freezing my arse off in the cold or are you just a sadist?"

Nathan rolled his eyes and slowed down to a halt. I watched in confusion as he unwrapped the scarf from around his neck. Then surprising me, he looped the snug material over my neck before looking down at me. "There, you're a little bit warmer now," he whispered. My cheeks burned a little from the action.

Instead of tying it into a knot like I thought he would, he hung loosely onto the ends, then suddenly he gave it a strong tug causing me to tumble towards him. Not wanting to fall over, I quickly put my hands on his chest to steady myself.

Looking up, I found Nathan staring down at me with a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Don't I get a thank you after such a heroic act?" He tugged on the scarf again, pulling me closer until we were practically nose to nose.

Briefly distracted, I paced over his soft features. "Hmm?" he coaxed as his eyes dropped down to my lips.

Once my internal strength had returned, I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. "You're not getting shit after lassoing me to you like a pig," I snorted as I looked him up and down.

That annoying smirk of his grew wider. "Don't you lasso cows, not pigs?" 

I narrowed my eyes at his sass. Wanting to wipe that stupid grin off his annoying-smug face, I took a step closer to him and sent a rather sharp kick to his knee.

"Woah, shit," he hissed as his knee buckled underneath him. To my disappointment, he quickly regained balance and straightened himself back up.

Nathan shook his head disappointedly at me. "You really like to put that kickboxing shit to use, don't you?" he snickered.

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