Chapter Thirty-Five

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Nathan threw his head back dramatically against the back of the taxi seat. "God, that must have been the most painful flight of my life," Nathan grumbled. 

 "Oh, why was that?" I questioned, twisting to face him.

He gave me a long, dry look. "I don't know, maybe it was something to do with a certain crazy girl who nearly clawed my arm out when the plane was landing. I literally still have your fucking nail marks as proof," he hissed as he jerked up his sleeve to show me.

I winced as I saw he was, in fact, telling the truth. "Well, in my defense, nobody told me that for the plane to land, it basically has to drop out of the sky," I said as I held my hands up in defense.

 Nathan looked at me with deeply furrowed brows as though he couldn't even fathom my level of logic. "How the fuck did you think it landed? " he spat out rudely.

"Alright, judgy, no need to be rude," I muttered with a frown.

Rolling my eyes at him, I focused my attention back out the window of the taxi. My eyes drew to the tranquil blue sea in the distance, neatly bordered by vegetated cliffs, and mountaintops that spanned out either side of us. A giddy smile pulled to my face as a cool breeze brushed through the window, and whisked my hair in each and every direction.

 The more I looked, the more I couldn't believe it was real.

"I'm guessing you like it," Nathan called out above the wind. I glanced back at him to find him watching me with a smile.

"Well, no shit, it's gorgeous," I smiled, not even bothering to hide my excitement. I quickly turned back to face the window, wanting to capture as much of the beauty as I possibly could.

 From the corner of my eyes, I could tell Nathan was still staring at me as though stuck in a hypnotized state. I spared him a glance, but he sharply ripped away his gaze as though he had got caught doing something wrong.

I knew it was the perfect opportunity to tease him, but the nice part of myself decided to hold back. He was paying for my entire holiday, after all. 

A sickening feeling passed through my chest as I thought about how much the plane tickets must have cost. If my mum knew what I was doing she would undoubtedly kill me. Not only had I gone to a foreign country without telling her, but I was also using someone.

Soon enough, the taxi turned down a winding path which soon gave away to a view to a dream of a house. My eyes darted across the three-story house, taking in the massive balconies at each and every room and the freshly polished windows stretching across the length of the house. My jaw unhinged as I saw an inbuilt waterfall trickle down the side of the house, and into a lake-sized pool at the side of the house. 

  This had to be a joke...

"Oh, good, we're here," Nathan said as the taxi pulled to a stop. He pocketed his phone and quickly hopped out of the taxi. 

With shaky hands, I fumbled with the door handle and climbed out after him. Leaning my back against the car door, I stared up at the building in awe. "Your family owns this," I whispered.

"Yeah, it's our beach house," Nathan said as he popped the trunk to the taxi. With a small grunt, he lifted our suitcases out of the car.

I turned his way. "Oh wait, shoot, my bad, let me take mine," I said as I took a step closer. 

He tightened his grip on my case. "It's alright; I'll carry yours. Go wait on the porch; I'll be there in a second," he said.

I cocked up a teasing eyebrow. "Why? Do you want to impress me with your manly strength?" I snorted. 

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