Chapter Ten

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As I led Nathan through my apartment door, I felt a wave of insecurity run through me. 

My flat looked like an absolute mess. There were half-eaten take-out boxes, askew items of clothing, and random magazine piles scattered around the apartment. 

"I swear, I'm usually tidier than this. I just wasn't expecting visitors," I rambled out with a nervous laugh.

"Hmm, I can see that," Nathan retorted drily; as he kicked a plastic cup that was sitting near the end of his foot. 

His judgment was radiating off him in waves, and I couldn't help but wonder how pathetic my apartment must look compared to his.

"Anyway, let's work down here," I said as I flopped myself down onto my sofa. "Come sit," I said as I patted the space beside me. 

He was just about to, but then I watched as his eyes drew to the pizza box which was wedged up against the armrest.

"Oh, wait, sorry, that's my breakfast," I said with an awkward chuckle as I pulled the pizza box into my lap.

Nathan hesitantly sat down beside me and raised an eyebrow. "Your breakfast?" he scoffed.

 "Yeah," I shrugged. "Leftover pizza is the best kind of breakfast," I stated flatly.

I flipped open the lid of the pizza box with a smile and popped the rest of the half-eaten pizza slice into my mouth. As I chewed, I felt Nathan's eyes digging into the side of my face and feeling uncomfortable, I turned to face him. 

"What?" I mumbled as I clumsily raised a hand over my mouth. 

Nathan's eyes flickered between the pizza slice and my lips, and he wrinkled his nose a little. "How can you eat that? It hasn't even been refrigerated?" he scoffed.

"It's only been out for a couple hours relax, fancy pants," I teased.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, let's just get started so I can leave," he grumbled. 

I watched as he bent down and pulled his laptop from his bag, and immediately my eyes narrowed in on him.

"What the fuck, Nathan? You had a laptop, yet you still sat throughout that lecture taking no notes?" I said, letting out an incredulous scoff.

He didn't bother to look up at me and stared onwards at his screen. "I don't need to take notes, he said simply.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because it's a waste of time, listening is better than taking notes," he explained flippantly.

"It's not a waste of time; it helps you learn," I protested. 

He lifted his head to look at me, and his eyes lit up in amusement as though he got some sick pleasure at seeing me annoyed. 

"Hmm, sure, keep convincing yourself you're not wasting your time," he chuckled.

I gave him a dirty look, feeling too pissed to even respond. He didn't seem at all bothered and started to type away on his laptop with a little smile on his face. 

Unsympathetic little bastard...

I shuffled closer to him on the sofa, so I could see his screen better. As my leg brushed up against his, I felt him stiffen, but he didn't move away. I smiled a little at the small sign of progress.

 I awkwardly cleared my throat. "So, let's get started. Why do you reckon fewer women are studying economics compared to men?"

He reclined back on the sofa with a sigh. "Simple - because they'd rather be the next Kim Kardashian, influencer, wanna-bee," he muttered slyly.

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