Chapter Forty-Eight

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Curled up in bed with my knees hugged to my chest, I watched as Nathan unrolled his sleeping bag out onto the floor for the night. 

After my little accident in the shower, Nathan had insisted that he sleep in the same room as me tonight,' in case something happened.' So, in other words, his highly over-protective annoying self had well and truly returned.

"Nathan, you don't have to sleep here with me. I promise, I'm fine," I explained gently. 

He turned towards me with a raised eyebrow. "Oh really? Is that why you couldn't pick yourself off the shower floor?" he replied back sassily.

I averted my eyes in embarrassment. "That was a small little blip," I mumbled. He raised his brow even higher.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine, then stay. But, if you insist on this sleepover, you might as well sleep up on the bed," I said as I shuffled over, and patted the place next to me invitingly. 

Nearly every voice in my head was screaming at me how terrible of an idea that was but I didn't pay them any mind. So, what if I slept beside him? It didn't mean anything would come out of it. We would merely be too good pals sharing a bed, nothing more.

Nathan looked up at me with curious eyes as I said that. Looking as though he was contemplating the idea, he slowly looked down at my bedsheets before moving his eye line back over to me. 

He swallowed thickly as his eyes did a trail over my body - lingering in particular on my chest, my exposed midriff, and then finally at my long bare legs stretching out before me. Feeling subconscious, I tugged down a little on my red cami top and silently wondered what the fuck his deal was. Was he judging the price of my outfit or something?

Finally, his eyes returned back to mine, and he shook his head. "No, I shouldn't. It's erm...It's safer for me to stay on the floor," he said.

I felt a pang in my chest at the quite blunt rejection, but I quickly covered it up with a smirk. "Why? Are you scared of me or something?" I joked.

"Hmm, something like that," he mumbled, his mind seeming to be far away in thought.

"Okay then," I drawled awkwardly. I cleared my throat and gave him an awkward smile. "Well, in that case, I hope you have a good sleep," I said before tucking my legs underneath the covers.

I switched off the lamp on my bedside table before curling up into a little ball in preparation for sleep.

"Goodnight, Natalie," I whispered into the darkness as my breathing slowly started to soften.

Nathan let out a heavy breath, clearly not at all pleased by the return of his beloved nickname. "Goodnight, Sophie," he mumbled.

I'm not sure why but the way he said my name pulled a stupid smile to my face. Then like that, I felt the last of the day's tensions leave my body. Snuggling closer into my duvet, I closed my eyes before letting the night carry me away.

"Sophie," a low voice whispered. 

My mind pulled further out of the fogginess of sleep, and I let out a groan before rolling over to face the source of the sound. I wasn't sure how long I had been sleeping. Two hours, maybe three? But all I knew was that I wasn't too happy about the intrusion of my sleep. 

Remembering Nathan was in the room with me and likely the one bothering me, I let out a long sigh. "What do you want, Nathan? I'm tired," I croaked out sleepily without even bothering to open my eyes.

Silence filled the air, and then I started to hear some frantic shuffling as though someone was viciously tossing and turning in their sleep. 

"Sophie, wake up," he groaned, his voice coming out more pained.

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