Chapter Sixty

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Sliding my house key into the lock, I swung the door open and stepped inside. "Come on boys, wipe your feet and come inside, okay," I said softly.

 They charged their way up the rest of the steps and entered the house before me. It was approaching late afternoon, and we had just arrived back from the shopping center. After Nathan's weird Santa Claus affair, he had strangely texted me telling me that it was okay to leave without him. I had absolutely no idea why he wanted to stay in town. When I had texted him why he had been all vague about it.

  It was weird...

Deciding not to give it too much thought, I closed the door after me and helped the twins take off their shoes and coats before doing my own.

I was about to go to the kitchen to go grab a snack before I noticed something hanging on the coat rack. It was my mum's scarf. I furrowed my brows, feeling confused since it wasn't there before.

Before I could question it any further, my dad suddenly appeared at the head of the stairs with a smile on his face. "Sophie, guess who's home," he smiled. 

I stared at him cluelessly for a second, but then my eyebrows shot up as I realized who he meant. "Mum?" I gasped out in shock.

 He laughed. "Yeah, she's upstairs in bed. I picked her up from the hospital while you guys were out."

"Oh my god," I whispered, hardly able to believe his words. 

"Mummy's home?" Calum called out in excitement. "Xavier, come, mummy's home," he said before the two of them came barrelling up the stairs. 

I quickly followed after them, feeling equally as eager to see her too. The moment I burst through my parent's door, my heart swelled as I took in the beautiful sight of my mother. She was laughing with that big great smile of hers and was cradling each of the boys in each arm as she brought them in for a hug.

When she saw me walk in, her smile grew even wider, and not wasting another second, I approached her in two long steps and wrapped her firmly up into my arms.

I almost sobbed as I smelt that familiar perfume she always wore. It was a nice comforting floral kind of smell, and it smelled like her. It smelled like mum.

"Oh god, I've missed you so much," she said as she pulled me to her tighter. "I've missed you too," I whispered back gently.

After however long we spent hugging, we finally pulled back, and she smiled as she looked at all three of us. I looked over her too, smiling as I took in the sight of her little woolly hat that she had always worn ever since she lost her hair. It kept her warm, she said.

"So, where's this new boyfriend of yours, huh?" my mum said as she cocked an eyebrow up at me sassily. 

I rolled my eyes at her, but my smile didn't wipe from my face. "Nathan, who is my friend, is at the shopping center," I explained pointedly.

"Is he buying you your engagement ring?" My mum said flatly.

 My jaw dropped flat open. "Mum!" I gasped. 

"Oh, relax, Sophie, I'm only joking. When did you become so serious, huh?" she teased as she gave my shoulder a playful nudge.

I rolled my eyes and flopped down onto the end of the bed alongside the twins. "So, what did you guys do at the shopping center?" My mum asked in intrigue.

 Xavier sat on his knees in excitement. "Well, mummy, first Sophie and Nathan took us to the playground, then we went McDonald's, and then we got to see Santa," he rattled out with a giddy smile.

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