Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I rolled over with a groan and squished myself further into the fetal position.

 Vaguely in the distance, I heard the small sound of a creaking door. I knew it was probably a smart time to peep open an eye, but I was far too tired to give a shit.

Even though I had technically woken up half an hour ago, I refused to leave the comfortable sanctuary that was this bed. The guest room bed could only be described as godly, and I don't think I had ever slept so well in all my nineteen years on the earth.

Out of nowhere, freezing cold water spritzed all over my face, causing me to flinch and duck underneath my hands to protect myself. 

"What the hell?" I choked out as the water continued to come springing towards me.

"Get up," a voice snapped. I groaned, recognizing the voice as belonging to Nathan. 

Why the fuck was he always such a little bitch?

"Oh, fuck off, would you, Nathan," I grumbled as I rolled over and ducked even further under my covers.

I ignored him as more sprays of water hit the back of my head, slightly soaking both my hair and pillow. He could spray me like a fucking dog all he wanted, I wasn't getting up.

Suddenly, my silk sheets were ripped off of me, and the chill air of the morning brushed against my skin. That was the final straw for me, and I whipped myself up fast with my fists clenched and ready for combat. Nathan stared back at me in boredom with his spray bottle still aimed in the general direction of my face. 

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hissed.

Nathan smirked as though pissing me off was a passing hobby of his. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he paused slightly. His eyes scanned my body up and down, and his adam's apple bobbled slightly.

Furrowing my brows, I followed his line of sight and looked down at my matching red pajama set consisting of short shorts and a midriff exposing cami top. It took me all over a second to realize where his horny brain had headed.

I gave him a flat look."Not attracted to me, huh?" I said drily, throwing his earlier words back in his face.

 He immediately pulled his gaze from my legs and back to my face, looking a little caught off guard. 

He scoffed. "I'm not attracted to you. Never have been, never will be," he replied back smoothly.

 "Hmm, really?" I hummed, cocking an eyebrow up. 

"Yes! Now, hurry up and get dressed; we're going to the beach today," he ordered.

I narrowed my eyes. "The beach? That's the reason you felt the need to barge into my room at whatever am in the morning? Are you kidding me?" I said, letting out an incredulous scoff. 

He merely shrugged, not seeming the tiniest bit apologetic.

Pissed, I snatched my pillow and leaned closer to him before giving him a far too spirited thwack across the face. He let out a surprised grunt and raised his hands over his face to protect himself. Though the sound was satisfying, I wanted more. 

Rising to my knees for more leverage, I beat down on his face with blow after blow. 

"Hey, cut it-"

 He ironically got cut off from whatever he was going to say as he fell clumsily onto the bed. With a triumphant smirk, I used this to my advantage and mounted myself on top of him, so my legs were planted on either side of his body.

 Now with direct, and easy access to his face, I went to town. I released all my anger, not hesitating for a second between each vicious hit.

 "Don't-" Whack. "Ever-" Whack. "Wake-" Whack. "Me-" Whack. "Up-" Whack. "Again!" I screamed.

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