Chapter Sixty-Eight

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With a groan, I ran a tired hand through my hair and winced as a tendril of light slipped in through the curtain. My head was throbbing painfully, and I could barely even bring myself to move. 

Slowly, I peeked open an eyelid and tried to make sense of my surrounding. As soon as my vision cleared, I paused, realizing I wasn't in my bedroom. I was in Nathan's bedroom. That beautiful distinct smell of him soaked through the sheets, leaving me with no doubts that I was truly back in his room.

Before I could question it further, the door creaked open, and Nathan sauntered his way through. His eyes locked with mine and though he didn't smile, the slight lift of his eyebrows indicated he was surprised that I was awake.

As he walked into the room, everything started to come back to me - all of it. The fake pregnancy story, seeing him with another girl, getting drunk, and then throwing up all over him, and oh my god...

I sat up quickly, causing the covers to fall away from me. Looking down, I registered the shirt I was wearing - it was one of Nathan's.

Nathan cleared his throat. "Sorry, but I had to change you. I didn't want any of your vomit on my bed," he said bluntly, clearly guessing the direction of my mind.

I gave him a weak and awkward smile. "Yeah, no worries, It's erm...not like you haven't seen my erm..."

"Yeah, I get it," Nathan snapped, not letting me finish the sentence. 

His words caused that familiar painful pang to rage within my stomach. It was without a doubt he still hated me. Perhaps, he always would.

After a couple moments of silence, I cleared my throat lightly. "I thought you were going to take me home?" I asked slowly.

He sighed. "Your ex b- sorry, your friend," he corrected himself with a bitter laugh."-wasn't home yet, so someone had to make sure you didn't die," he said bluntly.

I slowly nodded my head, feeling slightly burned by the horrible reminder that he had found out yet another one of my lies.

"Well, thanks for doing that; it would have been slightly awkward if I choked to death on my own vomit, wouldn't it?" I said with a slightly nervous laugh. 

Nathan did not laugh.

I quickly composed myself, realizing he was clearly not in the joking mood. "Also, I'm sorry for ruining your night. I didn't mean to cock block know vomit on your back," I mumbled awkwardly. "But to be fair, it was technically your fault for not putting me down when I asked," I added quickly.

Nathan let out a stiff chuckle, which ended up sounding like more of a stressed breath than a laugh. "You done?" he scoffed, lifting an eyebrow.

 I coughed awkwardly."Yes, yes I am," I nodded.

Walking closer to the bed, he came to a stop at the end before throwing something onto the sheets. "Those are painkillers, for the headache I presume you have," he mumbled.

"Thanks," I said weakly as I slowly picked up the packet.

He cleared his throat. "I washed your weird dress thing; it's in the bathroom. You can go grab a shower if you want, and you erm...know where the spare toothbrushes are," he said, nodding his head over to the ensuite.

My heart sunk with guilt. "God, I'm so sorry," I groaned. "You shouldn't have to do all of this."

"It is what it is," he shrugged before turning for the door.

 As he was about to go, I suddenly thought of something. "Nathan?" I called out. 

He turned around, his expression entirely neutral.

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