Chapter Sixty-Four

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The two of us kept a silent gaze as neither one of us moved. My lips moved to say something, but no words seemed to come out. Nathan's eyes bore into me, the hurt in them spilling out in waves. 

"What is this?" Nathan said as he shook the book. 

"Nathan-its... I - look just give it back," I stammered out as I lunged for the notebook.

 He jerked his hand away before I could get it. "I asked you a fucking question, Sophie. I said, what the hell is this?" he yelled, his voice starting to tremble. 

I shook my head over and over, feeling like I was drowning. "I..I. how did you get this? Did you go through my bag?" I whispered, still in shock.

He let out the most bitter of laughs. "No, actually, it fell out of your bag. And funnily enough, the cover caught my attention."

I stared at him silently, not knowing what to say. What could I say?

"Since you're refusing to answer me. Why don't I read a little bit out for you?" He snapped. I watched helplessly as he flicked to the first page of the book.

"Target: Nathan Woods. Nathan is a twenty-year-old egotistical bastard who studies-,"

"Nathan, stop," I interrupted, not wanting to hear any more. 

He looked up at me and let out a scoff. "Oh, sorry, do you not like this page? Should we move on to the next one?"

Before I could stop, he roughly flicked to the next page, his fingers digging into the side of the book with an almost painful grip.

"Plan of action: Get him to be my friend, date him, get him to buy me shit, and then dump him like he means nothing," he listed off with a laugh. "Is that what I am to you, Sophie? Nothing?" he repeated, his voice taking on the most sharpened of tones.

Feeling myself visibly shaking, I took another closer to him. "Nathan, look, this was a long, long time ago. I wrote this on the day I met you and..and... I was so angry with you and-"

"So, you thought it would be fun to Golddig me," he finished for me. The look he gave me was so cold, it was almost haunting. There was none of the love I'd seen this morning, none of the playfulness, only undeniable anger.

"You decided to use me, huh?" he said as he suddenly stood up. I took a step back, feeling my lip start to wobble. 

"You were pretending this whole fucking time, weren't you? Pretending to be my friend, pretending to like me. What the fuck, was even real, Sophie?" he yelled, his voice cracking.

I shook my head, causing my tears to roll down my cheek. "Nathan, I swear it was real. Everything I feel for you is real. There's no way I could fake that; nobody could fake that," I explained rapidly, in desperation for him to believe me.

I tried to reach out for his hand again, but he flinched away from me. "Don't you dare fucking touch me," he hissed, glaring at me with bloodshot eyes.

He turned away from me slightly with a bowed head and leaned on his desk for support. "I can't believe I- God, I'm such an idiot," he spat.

"What? So, let me get this straight?" he laughed as he turned back my way. "You watched me chase after you like a fucking idiot for your own amusement? And all for what, money? Revenge?" he spat, his eyes searching mine in disbelief. "Who the fuck even are you?"

I swallowed back his accusation and took a steady breath in and out. "I swear on everything that I wasn't acting. Yes, I hated you the day I met you, but that changed the moment I got to know you. It was so stupid, and I'm so sorry," I explained in a sob.

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