Chapter Twenty-Three

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It was a freezing Saturday afternoon, and like the absolute weirdos we were - Brandon and I were zipped up in our thick winter coats while swinging back and forth on the playground swing like a couple of fools. 

I like to think the under twelve only sign at the front of the playground gate was more of a suggestion than a requirement...

"Are you going down to the gym later?" Brandon called out to me while he whizzed through the air.

"Fuck, no," I snorted. "Yesterday, I almost passed out after my workout, so I've decided to give myself a break today. The only exercise I'm doing tonight is lifting the pizza slices up to my face," I snickered, glancing his way as I swung.

"We really need to cook something other than pizza. At this point, it's a miracle we don't have rickets," he chuckled.

"Well, that's what happens when two people who are shit at cooking decide to live together?" I shrugged.

 "Hey, I'm not that bad," he snapped defensively.

 "Pasta bolognese," I said without missing a beat.

 "Oh, yeah, fair point," he winced. "Well, the fire brigade got there in time, so no sweat," he chirped optimistically as he pushed himself to swing even higher.

 I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

"Soph?" Brandon called after a couple of seconds of silence. 

"Yeah?" I answered. 

"Remind me again, why the fuck are we on a swing?" he asked, amusement lacing his tone.

 Realizing there was no real reason, I let out a loud snort. "Because why not?" I answered simply.

Brandon and I continued to try and outswing each other like a bunch of five-year-olds when something in the distance caught my eye.

 Standing in the line at the hot beverage-kiosk was none other than Nathan Woods. With my gaze still fixed on him, I slowed down my pace of swinging. 

"Brandon, I'm going to have to raincheck our little playground session," I murmured while still staring ahead.

"Why?" he asked in confusion.

"Because over there is a boy, I need to annoy into liking me," I said matter-of-factly before jumping off the swing.

Brandon soon slowed down to a halt before following my line of sight. "Oh, yeah, I believe it is," he drawled. "Damn, he's looking good today. No wonder you were so happy to be trapped in an elevator with him."

 I furrowed my brows. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Nothing," he shrugged. "I just couldn't help but notice you had a massive smile on your face at dinner after you got trapped with him. It was almost as though you're warming up to him," he probed while still hitting me with that interrogative gaze of his.

I let out a loud scoff. "Don't make me laugh. I'll always hold the same opinion for him as the same day I met him."

"I'd be careful if I were you - sometimes you find feelings in a place you never thought you would," he said seriously.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said dismissively. "Also, can you perhaps go hang out someplace else, I want him to think I'm alone," I asked sweetly while batting my eyelashes over excessively. I figured I should be sweet since I was essentially telling him to fuck off.

"Why? Want me out of the picture so you can cheat on me?" he gasped playfully. 

"Yup, pretty much," I laughed. "Now, go," I said as I gave him a little gentle push.

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