Chapter Thirty-Eight

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After five minutes of standing in front of the mirror, I just about summed enough courage to put the revealing bikini underneath my jean shorts and top. 

I wasn't even sure why I even felt so nervous since I definitely worked out enough to have a decently toned body. And, besides, the seduction part of my plan was no longer a thing. I was only gold-digging him from the standpoint of his friend now, so it didn't matter whether he thought I was attractive or not.

But, despite those facts, there was still an annoying voice that kept reminding me how insanely intimidating it would be to stand half-naked in front of someone as perfect looking as Nathan. For goodness's sake, he's spent the last couple of years of his life sleeping around with models, so he's clearly got high standards. 

I internally cursed myself as I felt yet another round of nervous butterflies glide through my stomach. I was being ridiculous, pathetic even, and this was so not like me. 

I mean, the only times I really feel insecure about my body is when I lik–

No! I do not like Nathan. Nuh-uh. No way, never in a million years.

Shaking my head free from that ridiculous idea, I made my way downstairs to where Nathan was waiting for me. He was leaned up against the frame of the back door with some towels slung loosely over his shoulder. Once I had reached him, he quickly looked me up and down.

"You, good?" he said.

 I adjusted my tote bag over my shoulder. "Amazing, actually, considering an impolite bastard woke me up at the crack of dawn without even offering me breakfast," I muttered as my eyes narrowed in on him in accusation. 

Nathan snorted, and a smile pricked to his face. "Don't worry greedy pants, there's a bar that sells breakfast on the beach," he snickered.

He nodded for me to follow him, and I obliged as he led us through his backdoors and down the cobbled staircase that descended straight down onto the beach. I stopped on one step and took in the sight before me with a thick swallow. The height of the beach house gave a wide-spanning view of the hills in the distance and the soft waves collapsing against the shore.

There was no doubt about it; I was in paradise.

"You coming, or are you going to stand there like an idiot?" Nathan called out. I looked down to find Nathan had already descended the stairs and had an eyebrow quirked up as he stared up at me impatiently.

Rolling my eyes at his rudeness, I soon caught up to him and walked the rest of the way down the beach alongside him. Soon enough, we reached a clean pair of beach chairs underneath a wide-spanning parasol. I watched as Nathan got to work with laying the beach towels onto our lounge chairs. It was rather amusing to see how tentatively he was working that I couldn't resist making a snide comment.

 "Hmm, I think mine has a wrinkle in it," I teased.

Nathan looked back at me, then at my towel. Then with a spite-filled look in his eyes, he snatched the towel, crumpled it up before dumping it messily onto the seat.

 Looking up at me with a patronizing smile, he double blinked at me innocently."Is that better?"

I shook my head at him pityingly. "Oh, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie," I tuttered. "You would have no future in customer service, would you?" I said with a long sigh as I flopped down onto the beach chair.

With a languid sigh, I fished my sunglasses out of my front pocket and put them on. I was seconds away from leaning back to relax when something caught my eye. Or, more accurately, Nathan caught my eyes. 

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