Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"No, no, god no. Please tell me you're joking and that you seriously haven't done this?" I cried as I started to pace around my kitchen like a crazed woman. 

I was currently on a video call with my dad, and let's just say he had revealed to me some less than pleasing news about our plans for Christmas.

"Oh, crap, did you not want me to invite Nathan around for Christmas?" my dad winced.

I snatched my phone off the kitchen counter and glared at my dad's nervous face through the camera. "Dad, I literally gave you and mum painfully specific instructions not to invite him over!"

My dad blinked twice. "Oh," he said dumbly. 

"Yeah, oh," I snapped back sarcastically. "How the hell do you even have his number, anyway?"

"Oh right, he called me when you were in the hospital, and I saved his number," he shrugged.

"I had to get myself knocked out, didn't I?" I grumbled as I kicked the kitchen chair leg in annoyance.

"Oh, come on, Sophie, it won't be that bad. He's only staying for a couple of days before Christmas, and the poor chap sounded so excited when I asked," my dad explained softly. "And besides, I thought you'd be happy he was coming. Isn't he your boyfriend?" my dad asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

I let out a sharp growl of annoyance. "No, he's not! Why does everybody think that?"

"Because most people aren't stupid," my dad said bluntly. "Anyway, Soph got to go. See you when you two of you get here. Bye-"

"No, Dad, don't you dare hang up on me, you need to uninvite him. Do you hear me? Dad? Dad?"

I groaned as I heard the dreaded dial tone. The bastard had hung up on me...

Echoing through the corridor, I heard the loud sound of a closing door followed by suitcase wheels moving against the wooden floor. Soon enough, Brandon rounded the corner. 

"Soph, are you all ready to go?"

"Yes," I muttered sulkily.

"Ooph, what's got you in such a mood?" Brandon asked as he eyed me up and down in caution.

 "My stupid dad invited Nathan home with me for a couple of days, that's what," I spat bitterly.

Brandon snorted; his eyes light with more amusement than concern. "Well, that's a little shit for you then, isn't it?"

I gave him a dry look. "Thanks, I really appreciate your sympathetic words," I muttered sarcastically. 

"Always happy to help," he winked.

As I contemplated throwing the salt shaker at him, the sound of the doorbell chimed throughout the apartment, robbing me of my malicious thoughts. 

"Hmm, I'll get it," I murmured as I lazily pushed myself off the counter. 

I swung the door open with no hesitation and froze as I found Nathan Woods standing bang smack on my doorstep.

His eyes lit up as he saw me. "Hey, Sophie, have you heard tha-"

I didn't let him finish before I swung the door back and slammed it in his face. Then dusting the imaginary dust off my hands, I made my way back to the kitchen. 

What? My mantra to life was: 'if you can't fix your problems, avoid them.' It had worked all nineteen years of my life, and I wasn't about to change my ways now.

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