Chapter Sixty-One

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I tapped my pen anxiously against the side of my desk as I waited for the lecturer to finish rambling on. I must have been tapping a little bit too viciously as I suddenly lost my grip on my pen, and it tumbled into my bag. 

"Shit," I muttered lowly under my breath, causing a few students to look my way.

Slouching down in my chair, I dug my hand in my bag and searched around for it. Soon enough, my fingers wrapped around the hardback cover of a notebook, causing me to still.

Not remembering packing a notebook, I pulled it out in confusion. The moment I saw the cover, my blood ran cold. It was the notebook that had started so much trouble in my life. 

It was the notebook titled: 'My plan to destroy Nathan Woods.'

 I swallowed nervously and quickly obscured it at an angle in my lap that only I could see. With shaky hands, I opened it and skimmed over some of the stuff I had written.

 For every word I read, I felt sicker and sicker. I had called him an 'egotistical bastard' among other insulting words. Followed by paragraphs upon paragraphs of rude, judgemental assumptions. And the second page was the most awful of the lot. On that page, I had listed specific instructions of how precisely I planned to take him down.

 I said I was going to get him to buy me expensive gifts, and how I was going to play hard-to-get and more and more horrendous stuff. Not even able to stomach looking at it anymore, I snapped it shut and hurriedly shoved it back into my bag.

The rest of the lecturer's words blurred by, and soon enough, there was the unanimous flapping sound of paper and laptops shutting as everyone started to get ready to leave.

I quickly packed up too, then headed straight for the exit. I needed to go home and burn that notebook. I felt dirty merely having it in my possession.

At once, the weight of someone's arms wrapped around my waist and the smell of familiar cologne brushed past my nose. The next minute I felt a kiss on my cheek. "Hey, Sophie," a voice whispered in my ear. 

Turning around in the person's hold, I found myself peering into the mischievous eyes of Nathan woods.

I lifted an eyebrow up at him. "You should really check my face before you do that, you know? I could have been a dude with a blonde wig on," I said flatly.

"Hmm, I don't know many dudes with an ass like yours, but okay," he shrugged. 

My mouth dropped open at his cheekiness. "Uh, you cheeky bastard," I laughed as I pushed him away from me playfully.

Nathan merely laughed and returned to my side to hook an arm around my shoulders. And as he did, my heart did its normal nonsense of having a mini heart attack.

 Ever since we'd returned back to university two weeks ago, he'd been touching me non-stop. He'd come round to my flat and wedge himself right up against me on the sofa, he'd kiss my cheek when he greeted me, and he'd randomly play with my hand any chance he got. 

I didn't mind it, of course, but it was still weird.

After Christmas, a lot of things had changed regarding my plan for handling Nathan. I had decided I was no longer going to ignore him since I realized that it was pretty much impossible. So, instead, I was going to strictly remain friends with him and never tell him the truth. Yeah, I know that was a little fucked up, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Well, at least not yet.

However, I don't think Nathan was quite grasping the memo of just friends, or if he did, he didn't care to follow it.

"You're aware you're coming home with me today, right?" he stated bluntly. 

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