Chapter Twenty

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 "Yes, Sophie, funnily enough, I'm aware that he's my brother. I don't need your confirmation," he spat drily, his eyes littered with unimpress. 

Still in shock, I let out a disbelieving laugh. "So, hold on a second. Let me get this straight. You have an incredibly hot older brother who is a fucking hot-ass underwear model," I chocked out in shock.

 "Yes, and he's not even hot, so calm the fuck down," he grumbled bitterly.

I snorted and held up the magazine again. "I'm sorry, but are you seeing the same guy I am because this man's sexiness is definitely not up for debate."

 He narrowed his eyes and let out an incredulous scoff. "You wouldn't be so keen on him if you knew how much of an asshole he was," he muttered lowly. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Ooo bitching about your brother, are we? Do I sense a little sibling rivalry?" I teased.

He shook his head at me in disbelief. "Are you always this annoying, or am I a special case?"

I shrugged. "Eh, I'm probably always a little bit annoying, but you bring it out of me the most," I winked. 

"Yippie," he spat, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"So...what's your hunky brother called?" I sang.

 "If you must know, his name is Noah, and before you ask, you cannot have his number," he spat.

"His email address?" I suggested.


"His favorite coffee shop?"

"No- Wait, why the fuck do you want to know that? But anyway, the answer's still no," he said bluntly.

"His address, perhaps?"

"Fuck, no!" he scoffed.

I wasn't actually interested in contacting his brother, but it was still incredibly fun to fuck around with him and pretend that I did.

"Aww boo, you're so boring," I pouted. "Why don't you want me contacting him? Jealous, perhaps?" I smirked.

I was waiting for one of his snide remarks, but then he surprised me by randomly starting to gag as though he was on the brink of throwing up.

 I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. 

"Sorry, it's just-," he paused again, to do another gag. "-the idea of me liking you has me feeling slightly nauseous," he croaked out.

 As soon as he said that, I gasped and shoved him aggressively on the shoulder. He poorly stifled a snort before starting to shake with laughter. His eyes were crinkled at the corners and were shining in amusement. 

Despite how irritated I was with him, I felt a tug at my heart at the sight of his smile. It was a cute boyish type smile, and it suited him.

Wait, what the fuck am I thinking?

He's the fucking enemy Sophie. Get a hold of yourself. Nice smiles do not equal good people.

I cleared my throat as I pulled myself back together. "Well, you must feel nauseous around me a lot then," I shrugged.

"Hmm, like you wouldn't imagine," he drawled as he looked me up and down. I narrowed my eyes as I knew he was trying to imply the sight of me made him sick.

Before I could get in another snide remark, Nathan randomly rose to his feet and started to wander his way over to the kitchen. I twisted around on the sofa so I could follow his movement.

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