Chapter Twenty-Two

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As soon as his words were spoken, I forgot how to breathe. My heart started beating erratically fast, and I stared at Nathan, feeling consumed by shock.

 He was on to me; he had to be. That was way too specific of a never have I ever, for him to have said it on a whim. Was I seriously that bad at acting that he knew my intentions already? 

If so, that was awfully disappointing. I had barely even got this plan started.

I swallowed harshly before quickly composing myself by plastering a look of amusement on my face.

 "That's a bit of a probing question. Why are you asking?" I laughed, trying to keep my tone light and unsuspecting.

Nathan furrowed his brows. "Well, that's how the game works; you're supposed to ask probing questions," he snickered.

 I searched his eyes cautiously, then calmed down slightly when I saw no ill-intent behind his eyes. He seemed one-hundred percent clueless, just like I wanted him to be. 

"Well, I guess I haven't used someone before," I lied smoothly. 

My answer couldn't be further from the truth. I was definitely a hard advocate for the using people life.

 Wait, hold on before you judge me; hear me out. If someone is handed their wealth, their privilege, or whatever you want to call it, is it really doing the world a disservice to simply push them back a couple squares?

 I mean, yes, Nathan is going to be a little butthurt when he finds out what I have done, but he's hardly going to give two shits after a couple of days. If anything, the guy might thank me for teaching him the consequences of not treating someone with respect.

Not wanting to dwell too long on the question, I cleared my throat with a smile. "Anyway, my go next. Never have I ever moaned out the wrong girl's name," I teased with a playful little wink.

 All amusement was lost from Nathan's face, and he gave me an incredibly dry look. "You can't help yourself, can you?" he said, his eyes narrowing with irritation. 

I broke out into a fit of giggles. "I still can't believe you did that. I mean, I know you got a little excited by my little chair dance the other day, but I didn't know it would affect you to the point where you would start fantasizing about me," I teased.

Nathan let out a deeply frustrated growl. "Oh, would you shut up; it was an accident," he insisted. "And I wasn't thinking about you, so don't get excited. I probably got mixed up because I used to sleep with this random girl called Sophie," he rambled quickly, clearly making shit up on the spot.

I scratched my chin and eyed him up and down like he was a rare specimen. "Natalie, I know it's none of my business, but I can't help but wonder-," I drawled, putting on my best pretense at genuine curiosity. 

Nathan's gaze narrowed, clearly guessing that wherever I was heading wasn't good. 

"Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?" I asked boldly.

Nathan rolled his eyes, and let out a long over-dramatic sigh before staring pityingly up at the ceiling. "I am being punished. That's got to be it. Some god up there is punishing me by trapping me in your presence," he mumbled bitterly to himself.

I was about to reply with a clever, you call that punishment, but then I stopped myself and frowned - his words reminding me that we were trapped indefinitely.

I pulled my legs closer to me and started to look around at the walls of the elevator again. They seemed smaller than before. Anxiety started to claw its way back through me, and the air felt thick and hard to swallow.

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