Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Wait, why did you moan out, Sophie? Is there a girl in there with you?" his dad questioned in confusion.

Nathan's eyes shot open wider in panic as he realized the extent of how bad things looked.

His dad cleared his throat. "Please, tell me, she wasn't under your desk and er..,"

"Nope, no, absolutely, not! I promise we weren't doing anything," Nathan rambled all in one breath, clearly desperate to reassure his dad that he wasn't being pleasured underneath the table.

"Oh, thank god," his dad chuckled in relief. "But wait a second, you didn't deny there is a girl. Where is she? Who is she?"

Nathan let out a heavy sigh and gestured for me to get up. I climbed to my feet with a smile and bent down a little, so I was in shot of the camera. I gave a little friendly wave to his dad. "Hey, Mr. Woods," I greeted with my best parent pleasing smile.

"Ah-ha, so, you must be Sophie. Were you by any chance the reason my son sounded awfully feminine at first?" he snorted.

"Yeah, she was," Nathan butted in before narrowing his angry eyes on his dad. "And you sure took your dear sweet time to realize I sounded suspiciously like a girl, " he scoffed.

 I lazily ruffled Nathan's hair with a snicker "Oh, simmer down, Natalie, it was a fair mistake to make," I teased.

His dad's deep laughter boomed throughout the room, clearly finding my joke funny. When he sobered up, his dad's eyes flickered back and forth between Nathan and I with fondness.

"I think I'm warming up to your girlfriend already, Nathan. She knows how to roast you; I love that," he snickered.

"She's not my girlfriend," Nathan added quickly. "She's my erm...," he paused and angled his chair back to look at me. His eyes softened slightly before turning back to his dad. "Well, she's my friend," he said simply.

I'm not sure why but hearing the word friend fall from his mouth made my heart warm a little. I knew he was only saying it for his father's sake, but still, I kind of liked the sound of it.

"Well, you're quite dumb then, aren't you," his dad snorted. 

The bluntness, and unexpectedness of his insult to Nathan caught me off guard, and I choked sharply on my spit in an effort to control my amusement. 

"Excuse me?" Nathan said.

 "Well, sorry, son, but it's true. Anybody, with half a brain, would have asked a girl as beautiful as Sophie to be their girlfriend by now?" he scoffed as though he was spitting straight facts.

"Dad, she literally has a boyfriend," Nathan spat out in frustration. 

"Cool, and you haven't killed him because?" his dad asked in a scarily serious tone.

"I'm not killing her boyfriend, dad; what the fuck?" Nathan choked out in shock.

His dad cracked a smile before loosening his poker face slightly. "I'm only messing around, of course, you can't kill him. You've got to hire a guy to do it for you," he winked. 

"Dad!" Nathan yelled.

 "Okay, okay, I'll stop, I'll stop," he chuckled as he relaxed back in his chair. "I get it; she's your friend, nothing else," he said seriously. 

"Thank you," Nathan cried.

"Well, your friend, for now," his dad added slyly underneath his breath.

 Nathan shot his dad a warning look, which his dad swiftly responded to by looking back and forth between the two of us while making kissy faces.

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